Dewey's 24 Hour Read-a-thon Mid-Way Point

Well I had a slight hiccup in the past few hours. I really do feel like an old person, I can fall asleep anywhere…especially sitting up with my face in a book! I only managed to read 50 pages before my nap and than when I woke up I needed some coffee and dinner. But we are halfway through the read-a-thon and I am almost done with my second book! So I feel great and I am really enjoying all the support and encouragement on twitter! Heres to the next 12 hours!
Hours: 12
Currently Reading: Sanctum by Madeleine Roux
Book(s) Finished: The Line by J.D. Horn
Pages Read : 380 pages
If you are participating I would love to know how you are doing or what you are reading!


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