September 2014 TBR


So there are many books I want to get to this month. I have quite the unattainable TBR list. I wasn’t going to make a list this month, but figured why not share with everyone how crazy I am. There are even more physical books that I don’t have yet and many kindle books and audiobooks! I probably won’t get these all read and probably won’t stick to my list, but whatever. So here is my extremely long and outrageously large TBR!

The Wonderlandiful World by Shannon Hale

Shovel Ready by Adam Sternbergh

Doon (not pictured) & Destined For Doon by Carey Corp & Lorie Langdon

Lailah by Nikki Kelly

Dark Lover by J.R. Ward

Red Seas Under Red Skies by Scott Lynch (how many times has this appeared on my TBR lists haha)

Open Road Summer by Emery Lord

Horns by Joe Hill

Landline by Rainbow Rowell

Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn

Not pictured:

Brave New World by Aldous Huxley

1984 by George Orwell


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What are you planning on reading this month? Have you read any of these?


  1. Wow that’s a lot of books to read in 30 days! I want to read Doon so bad, it sounds really good. Since I just went back to school, I don’t think I’ll be reading that much this month, but I’m hoping to finish The Dream Thieves (which so far, is even better than The Raven Boys! You should read it asap) and I’ll also try to read Shatter Me and Unravel Me 🙂

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