I have decided to do a month of Readathons for May! I am going to be participating in Series Crackdown created by Mel @ The Book Moo.
I am also going to participate in Bout of Books and Shelflove Crate Readathon. Being very unmotivated lately I thought it would be a great way to start reading more books and focus on some books that have been on my TBR forever.
The Series Crackdown Readathon is a 10 day Readathon that focuses on tackling unread series on your TBR. Since I am participating in so many readathons I doubled up on some books for these reading prompt , using a few books for multiple challenges.
Are you participating in any readathons this month? Let me know if you decide to join in this one!
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Email: fallingdownthebookhole@gmail.com