2016 Bookish Bucket List | End of the Year Wrap-Up

I usually do an end of the year wrap-up in the long survey form that is on Perpetual Page Turners blog, but this year I was a little late to getting it done as well as the fact that I didnt read much or was very involved in the book community this year. 
♠ Read at least 50 books. [I finished out the year having read 21 books and DNF’d 1]
♠ Finish the Harry Potter series [ This is going to be part of a challenge I am creating for 2017]
♠ Read at least three daunting books. [ I read 1. For the busy year I had I am proud with that, but I really want to up my goal for 2017]
♠ Keep up with reviews and review copies. [ This is like a never ending struggle. I think I am going to hit an imaginary reset and start over in 2017, which I am already behind in because I just recently finished two books at the end of 2016 that I wanted to do reviews for]
♠ Keep my book purchasing to sequels. [ In the past month I did not purchase any books, but have started to borrow from the library instead  ]
♠ Read More Diversely {5 non-fiction}. [I read 2 this year and it is definitely something I am going to keep up with and work on in 2017]
♠ Revisit My Past [ This hasn’t been a thing yet. Re-reading books have moved quite low on my list]
♠ Start New Blog Series. [Its a work in progress that wont happen anytime soon. I have a lot of ideas. I just need to implement them.2017 its going to happen I hope]
Overall I am happy with my accomplishments. I mean I read books so thats a good thing!

Were you able to accomplish your 2016 book goals?

2016 Bookish Bucket List

I have done this the past two years and have been decently successful with it.. This year I have set a lot of goals for myself and really want to throw myself back into the book community and blogging world. The past year off has left me wanting so much from books because I have missed the atmosphere […]

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