Dewey's 24 Hour Read-a-thon 8 hours in!

I am back for another update! So far 8 hours have gone by in the 24 hr read-a-thon! My reading has slowed a bit from this morning as I find myself getting mildly distracted by many things. I blame my undiagnosed A.D.D for this problem. I have a very short attention span so I took an hour off of reading to stretch, shower and refuel! I am really enjoying the book I am currently reading and I am really intrigued to find out what is happening and what is to happen that I see no problem in it being finished quite soon (only 150 pages left!) I am not sure what I will pick up after it. I was thinking either the novella to the book I am reading right now, The Fall of the House of Usher or The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde! Well I must be back to reading! I will be back in a few hours for another update!
Hours: 8
Currently Reading: Sanctum by Madeleine Roux
Book(s) Finished: The Line by J.D. Horn
Pages Read : 330 pages
If you are participating I would love to know how you are doing or what you are reading!

Dewey's 24 Hour Read-a-thon| TBR & Goals

  I am really excited to participate in this read-a-thon on October 18th! To learn more about the read-a-thon and to sign-up you can check out the video and post here! So far there are over 200 people signed up and you have until October 15th to sign up to participate! What is cooler than 24 hours dedicated […]

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Dewey's 24 Hour Read-a-thon| Sign-up

  I am really excited to participate in this read-a-thon on October 18th! To learn more about the read-a-thon and to sign-up you can check out the video and post here! So far there are over 200 people signed up and you have until October 15th to sign up to participate! What is cooler than 24 hours dedicated […]

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