Top Ten Tuesday| “To Read Or Not To Read”

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This weeks Top Ten Tuesday topic hosted by Broke and Bookish is Top Ten Books I’m Not Sure That I Want To Read (books you may have bought but aren’t sure if you are into it anymore, books you wanted to read but heard mixed things about, hyped books you aren’t sure about). I feel like I have so many books that kind of fall into this category but are more of I want to read these, but not right now. Some books I bought and really wanted them at the time, but either was not sure of what they were or not in the mood for them. 

Les Misérables by Victor Hugo les-miserables-musical-poster-01

This is such a huge book and although I am still interested in reading it, I am not sure if I will ever pick it up. It is a little intimidating.





Anomaly by Krista McGee 16124145

This is a book I do not know much about. I bought it on a whim for really cheap because it looked interesting. I have since than found out that it is part of a series and it just doesn’t rank very high on my TBR right now.


♠ Ysabel by Guy Gavriel Kay

I was given this back in high school by a friend who recommended it to me. I tried to pick up back than and also recently and didn’t get very far. It seems really interesting, but with so many other books it doesn’t win out.




♠  Gone by Michael Grant


I have heard many mixed reviews about this book/series. It seems interesting it is just a long series and I’m not sure if I want to try it out and see if its worth it.








Fallen by Lauren Kate

This is also another book and series I have heard mixed things about. I am still really tempted to pick it up because sometimes you need to read the corny and “trashy” books that lack depth and content. (not saying that this books is any of those things because I haven’t read it and don’t know what it is like) But it could be something I really love.



Hush Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick 6339664

This falls under the same line as Fallen. I have heard mixed things about it and not sure if I want to dedicate money and time to a new series. Although I have a feeling that it might be like a guilty pleasure read.








Touched by Cyn Balog

I bought this book not knowing much about it. Earlier this year I read another book by Cyn Balog and was not happy with it so I am unsure if I want to read this one.




So it is not exactly ten, but that is all I could find or at least consider the thought of not actually reading them. If you have read any of these and feel like they are must reads let me know!

What are some books that you have debated whether to “Read Or Not To Read”?