One of my goals this year was to work on reading the backlist books off my shelf and getting to more of those previously published books that I had yet to read everyone has been raving about. I even participated in the Beat the Backlist Reading Challenges. Of all the backlist books I read it was really hard to narrow it down to five, but these are the ones that really stuck out and stayed with me!
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One of my friends from Middle School read Fabelhaven and he really enjoyed it, but it’s one of those books that I don’t know much about
I never really heard about it or knew much about it until I got asked to review the two books from the spin off series. It was said they could be read on their own but have the same characters from fablehaven so I had to read them all and I’m so happy I did!
I’ll consider picking it up from my local library sometime and give it a try.
THUG is amazing. And I LOVE Bitten!!!