This weeks Top Ten Tuesday topic hosted by Broke and Bookish is Ten Book Related Problems I Have. I have a lot! I am a book addict and with that comes many problems.
♠ Buying books when I have a huge TBR pile. Especially when there are sales on books.
♠ Buying books without knowing what it is about because so many people have mentioned it.
♠ Owning more than one copy of a book.
♠ Needing books in a series to match.
♠ Never having enough room for all my books.
♠ Spending hours watching booktube videos and surfing book blogs.
♠ Carrying around 3 different books in my purse/bag all the time.
♠ Reading multiple books at a time.
♠ Being in the middle of a million different series.
♠ Spending my weekend nights in bed reading instead of interacting with humans.
What are some of your book related problems?
YES to number one. That is a HUGE problem for me, especially since I am supposed to have a monthly book budget. Ooops. Haha.
Brilliant list. I can see a lot of problems on there that I can totally relate to. I’m in the middle of so many series at the moment. It’s crazy!
Oh man, do you actually get around to reading parts of those three books that you lug around? I mean, I guess you have options since you read multiple books haha.
Joey via. thoughts and afterthoughts.