2016 Bookish Bucket List

2016 Bookish Bucket List

I have done this the past two years and have been decently successful with it.. This year I have set a lot of goals for myself and really want to throw myself back into the book community and blogging world. The past year off has left me wanting so much from books because I have missed the atmosphere and love of books.  Here is my 2016 Bookish Bucket List

2016 Bookish Bucket List

Read at least 50 books

I have quite a few challenge I want to participate in and tons of unread books on my shelf. I am hoping to at least read 75 since my last year came up short. 

Finish the Harry Potter series 

I know what you are thinking. I started this back in 2014 and got to the 4th book. I love these books and love this world and feel like a unworthy human because I haven’t read books 5-7 yet.

Read at least three daunting books

I feel like I am always so intrigued and interested in the huge books, but never get around to reading them because they are intimidating. (I am counting this as over 500 pages.)

Keep up with reviews and review copies

I have gotten pretty far behind on both of these things. I feel absolutely horrible that authors and publishers haven’t sent me books and I have yet to get to them. It is my number one priority at the beginning of the new year. 

Keep my book purchasing to sequels

I need to cut down on my TBR pile as well as catch up and complete series that I have started and that are on my shelf. I  need to go to the library more and use kindle unlimited.

Read More Diversely

 I am going to participate in the LGBTQIA Reading Challenge this year, but I would also like to read more diverse in regards to the books I pick up and genres. I would like to read at least 5 Non-Fiction Books.

Revisit My Past 

I use to love reading historical fiction. I seem to have fallen out of that and really miss those books. I would like to pick up some of the historical fiction books I have sitting on my shelves as well as some of the books I loved as a kid! With this includes trying to reread The Little House on the Prairie series!

Start New Blog Series

I really want to work harder on developing my blog. There are many things I participate in that are created by other bloggers and I really want to come up with something that is completely my own and get others involved in!

Complete My 2016 Challenges

 I have tried to gear my challenges this year to books I need to read, really want to read and those that I have been putting off for far too long. This includes completing 10 series, the 30 books of my TBR challenge, at least 5 LGBTQIA books and the 40 books of the Popsugar Reading Challenge!

Make New Blogging Friends

Since I have been gone the past year I feel so disconnected from the blogging & book community. I want to participate in more twitter chats, buddy reads and read-a-thons and make new friends that I keep in touch with. There are a few people I talk to sometimes via twitter and through blog comments, but I want to make a deeper connection and know people better to the point where I could recommend them books or know things that are going on in their lives (if that is not too creepy)

What are some of your 2016 goals/resolutions?


  1. Good luck with your goals! I’m also participating in the Popsugar Reading Challenge, so may be I can ask for some book advise on some of the points in the list…
    I can also recommend you some really good non-fiction books, if you want 🙂
    I really want to be more interactive with the other bloggers as well and I’m really trying 😀

  2. *gasp* You haven’t read all of the Harry Potter books yet? You need to definitely do that first before anything else. They’re all so good. Books five and six are my favorites in the series (and book 3).
    I’ve cut down a lot on my book purchasing in the past year and I’m trying to cut back myself as well. I’m only trying to purchase books I really want a physical copy of but this is mostly because of space. I only have two book shelves and don’t have room to get more. *sigh* The life of a booknerd.
    Good luck with creating your own blog series. I’ve tried and know how difficult that can be! Best of luck.
    I know what you mean with review copies. Luckily I only have a few. But yikes! some of those are a few years old. Terrible I know. I’d like to finally get those done and out of the way in 2016.

    1. I know I feel like a bad book nerd that I haven’t read them yet. It will happen this year! I was surprised how much I loved book 3! And I do not have any room for more books either but I have an addiction problem that cant be helped.

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