2019 Reading Challenges | New Year Planning

As we are about to enter a new year there is lots of planning that goes into being both a blogger and a reader. I am going to be working on a series called “New Year Planning” that will be taking place the next few weeks to explore the reading and blogging process I go through with the new year approaching, which means new goals, challenges and of course new books!
In this featured post in the New Year Planning collection I will be focusing on Reading Challenges for 2019 I have found and a discussion on which ones I will participate in.

So I have scoured the internet to try and identify all of the different reading challenges that are set up for 2019! All descriptions are pulled right off the creators websites/blogs.

〉〉2019 Beat the Backlist Hosted by NovelKnight
This reading challenge is all about knocking off those older books (published before 2019) from your to-read list. Any genre, any format, any length. To sign up you need to fill out a form, develop a TBR and select your target for how many books you challenge yourself to! There is also a mini challenge associated with this challenge
               〉〉Hogwarts House Mini Challenge Hosted by Novel Knight

 This mini challenge is COMPLETELY OPTIONAL and you do NOT have to participate in it to be a part of Beat the Backlist. If you choose to do the challenge, you will have the opportunity to earn points for your House by reading books.

〉〉Romanceopoly by Hosted by The Ladies from Under the Covers and Jessica from Peace Love Books
Welcome to Romanceopoly! Whether you are an old hand with romance or you are new to the genre, we thought this would be a fantastic way to discover new books and authors and catch up on things that have been languishing on the TBR. We wanted to create a reading challenge that was visual, interactive and fun but easy dive into. Thus Romanceopoly was born!
This is an amazing challenge played off the game Monopoly. It is jam packed with challenges, giveaways and readathons! The effort they put into developing this and creating all the categories, website and printables is absolutely amazing. I do not read a lot of contemporary romance, but love urban fantasty/paranormal romance and might participate just because its so cool and you should check out their website even if romance doesnt interest you!

〉〉 2019 POPSUGAR Reading Challenge Hosted by Popsugar
Well Popsugar has stepped their game up this year and have really went all out with their challenges!
This challenge includes the standard 40 book challenge prompts plus 10 “advanced” prompts for those overachievers out there who are looking for even more ways to push their reading boundaries in 2019.(popsugar)

〉〉Series Serial Reader Challenge Hosted by Falling Down The Book Hole 
So this graphic is from last year and I haven’t updated it but it will be coming soon! The rules and guidelines are still the same from last year and would love for everyone to join me in tackling your unfinished/unread series!

〉〉Read Harder Challenge 2019 Sponsored by Book Riot & The Read Harder Journal
There are 24 tasks, averaging two per month over the course of the next 12 months. You may count one book for multiple tasks or read one book per task. I’ve said it the last four challenges, so it bears repeating: “We encourage you to push yourself, to take advantage of this challenge as a way to explore topics or formats or genres that you otherwise wouldn’t try.”
To discover more reading challenges you may be interested in some other bloggers have created some master lists so you can check them out over at Feed Your Fiction Addiction or Girl XOXO.

When it comes to deciding on reading challenges I am going to participate in or reading goals I am going to set for myself I always like to think about the books I have on my TBR and what type of books I want to focus on. With the close to 300 books on my owned TBR it is of high importance to me that I make that a main focus on any challenges and goals for 2019. This past year I also felt like for some reason I avoided fantasy/sci-fi like it was a huge scary monster. I have been wanting to read so many of my fantasy books and feel like the size and time commitment has intimidated me. I enjoy so many different genres and sub categories of books that I find it hard to spread the reading wealth, which is where reading challenges come in handy and give me some diverse reading direction. With the Beat the Backlist Challenge it allows me to set my own number goals, but to participate with others for that motivation to read those books that have been sitting on my shelves for years. I did this challenge this past year and was successful in the number, but not in the list of books I set out for myself. I am hoping to stick a little closer to the list I create for 2018. I am hoping to include a lot of fantasy on this list so that I can tackle some of those unread books I have been craving.
Another area in which I struggle is completing series. I start so many and then either dont continue, forget what the first one was about when I go to read the sequels, or it takes forever for the sequels to come out. I have gotten in the habit of binging series after they are all published. The past couple of years I have done a series challenge and it motivates me to get those series read! I also think this year I will be participating in Romanceopoly , but not the full challenge. It is so creative and looks like a lot of fun and I have found that when challenges are fun and interactive it is more motivating for me. I love being able to check things off a list! I do not read every category of book in this challenge but adore urban fantasy and paranormal fantasy and want to read more!

What are some reading challenges you are going to participate in 2019? What are your thoughts and feelings about reading challenges? Are you going to take part in any of these ones? 
Twitter: @downthebookhole
Instagram: @downthebookhole
Pintrest: fallingdowntheb
Tumblr: Falling Down The Rabbit Hole 
Email: fallingdownthebookhole@gmail.com



  1. Included in the general Goodreads Reading Challenge, which isn’t really a challenge as I set myself the same manageable goal every year, I have three personal challenges I want to try and complete.
    1. Finish any complete series I’ve started (I’m also very bad at finishing series)
    2. Read all my Fairyloot books from this past year
    3. Read all the remaining books I picked up from YALC this year.
    I’m not good when it comes to doing a lot of other challenges so I’m hoping that just by keeping to these, I’ll still have the opportunity to read whatever book I’m in the mood for at that time.

      1. I’m definitely a mood reader, no doubt about it. I often end up not completing challenges I’ve made because the books I’ve read are completely different to those needed for challenges.

  2. Good luck with your challenges! I don’t participate in any challenge, I always create them for myself based on the books I have on my TBR. In 2019 I plan to read at least one tome (which I already own) and at least one classic (which I already own) every month. I also would like to catch up to the 2018 releases I own and the 2019 I will own. To be honest my main challenge would be to bring down my TBR XD

      1. I unhaul like 150 books because I got too anxious with 200 unread books 😂 but I still have a bunch of ebooks and audiobooks so I think I am still around 300 on my TBR…

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