Sept BOOK HAUL.jpg
I was finally able to control my book buying this month! A lot of the books I got this month I received for review or I had a gift card for (So I am making progress!)
Splintered by A.G Howard
Doon by Carey Corp and Lorie Langdon
Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
City of Stairs by Robert Jackson Bennett (I received this from Blogging For Books in return for an honest review)
Champion by Marie Lu
1984 by George Orwell (Autumn @Kitty Cat Reads got this for me!)
The Walls Around Us by Nova Ren Suma (I received this from Algonquin Young Readers in return for an honest review)
I Want It This Way by Ann Aguirre (I received this from the publisher and author in return for an honest review)
The Night Circus by Erin Morganstern (I got this as an audiobook from audible)
What books did you get this month? Have you read any of these? Which one should I read first?


  1. 1984 is SO GOOD. I highly recommend that one! This month I bought a copy of Beloved by Toni Morrison for my AP English class, and I’m really enjoying it so far- it’s such an intriguing story!

  2. The narrator for Night Circus is great at putting the magic into the words. Just make sure you’re paying attention to the chapter titles, because the timelines do A LOT of jumping around. I struggled keeping track of the dates in my head.

  3. I was actually going to ask, has anyone read The Walls Around Us?! I have it but I’m unsure whether to read it or not.. I was going to give it away. Should I? 🙂 Please reply to me
    Great haul btw, you’ll LOVE 1984 and I’ve also heard great things about Doon! 🙂 x

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