5 Year Blogiversary + Q&A

I cannot believe it has already been 5 years since I started this blog! I have definitely come a long way since starting this blog, but of course I am still growing and learning within the blogging community. It was one of the best decisions I have made and I have got to know so many people in the book/ book blogging community that I am so thankful for. I have discovered new books and have grown my library by so many books! I have developed a knowledge of books and odd bookish facts that make me an annoying person to run into in a bookstore. I have been able to figure out what book a friend/co workers are talking about when they don’t know the title and have developed a first name relationship with my mailman. Reading and blogging has really saved me. Throughout the years I have been blogging a lot of different events and situations have happened in my life, especially in this past year. It was a really hard time for me and having books and the people in this community really helped me to make it through it. People I have never met in person have shown such compassion and support to me and for that I will forever be grateful. Life is rough sometimes and its nice to know that there will always be people to help pick you back up even if its just sending letter or GIFs through twitter. I appreciate all of you so much!

Why Others Read/Blog! 

@Spinesinaline“Blogging kind of came out of my obsessive need to keep track of all the books I’ve read but I’ve always loved reading! It can be a nice escape from life or just a fun way to fill some downtime!”
@PennyPebblePen“I made my first blog when I was very young. I can’t remember what it was called or my log in but it was a book blog. I made my second blog after I was hired at Waterstones because I’d written that I had one in my cover letter and after realising I couldn’t even remember its name figured that it would be safer to make a new one in order to avoid having lied in my application. Thank God my manager never asked me many questions about it! The first blogs main objective was to market my two completely unedited, preadolescent novels.Obviously, that didn’t go to plan and I took my pathetic attempt at self-publishing down and focused on just talking about what I loved.”
Nandini @Unputdownable Books “The reason I started blogging is because I initially wanted to share my writing with the world. Then I saw a few people on YouTube talking about books so I decided I needed an exclusive book blog as well. I have loved reading since as far back as my memory goes so I just wanted to share that passion with like-minded people. Also the book community has some wonderful people who I’d love to interact with, which is what encouraged me to start a book blog specifically. Coming to what reading does for me, I think I’ve had a decent life but every once in a while things gets really tough (especially right now). Books have always been the escape I need from reality. This is also why I prefer fantasy books. They keep me sane and lift my mood. Not only that, I think they’ve made me a better thinker and more compassionate person because of the varying perspectives I get to read in them. My life is definitely richer for having a reading habit and it is something I wish everyone would do.”


@spineinaline- “What has been your favourite thing about blogging? 

My favorite thing about blogging has definitely been the community. I have met so many amazing people and there is so much support in the book and blogging community. Also learning more about books and being able to see others opinions and recommendations.
Advice for new bloggers?
My advice for new bloggers is to do it for yourself. If you are not blogging for yourself it will feel like a job and you will burn out. Create and post what you want and are passionate about. Don’t try to worry so much about what others think/do or your follower numbers/stats. If you blog and speak from the heart and about those things you love the followers will come!
What are some of your best memories through the years?
It wasn’t specified but I am assume it was meant with blogging. One of the best memories and an unreal moment was the first email I got to review a book, receiving my first unsolicited book in the mail and being able to beta read a book and offer my thoughts and suggestions to the author.

@jkimexploring- “Do you read to destress or do you have to already be calm?”

I definitely read to destress, to get lost in a world that is not my own and be able to forget the problems going on in the real world. I also struggled with insomnia a lot (still do) and so reading before I go to bed or listening to an audiobook really  helps to focus my thoughts and make it easier for me to fall asleep.

@bookishluna- “What do you think is the most over-rated book?
I do not know if I can list/pick just one. I have a rant & riddles post coming soon about this. It is something I have been struggling with lately, reading books because of the hype or the rating and not liking it as much. I know this is going to be a very unpopular opinion and one that I think I rated higher than I should have but felt like I should, which is The Fault in Our Stars by John Green.
What time of day do you read?
I usually read at night before bed. But on the weekend it is all throughout the day especially when listening to audiobooks while cleaning.
What are your thoughts on FanFic?
I am not really a big one for the FanFic. I am sure there is a book I have read that is FanFic, but I don’t have time to spend online just reading FanFic when I own so many books.
What is your biggest book related pet-peeve?”
I for sure think my biggest book related  pet-peeve is stickers on book covers. I ripped one of my books a couple weeks ago trying to get the sticker off. Places should start putting stickers on the back. How am I suppose to take pretty pictures with a huge ugly sticker on the cover..

Make sure to check out my instagram @downthebookhole for a fun giveaway! Or join me for a read-a-thon in celebration of my blogiversary!


  1. Congratulations on five years – that’s amazing! And such interesting questions and answers about blogging – it was really interesting to see how you and other people felt about those topics.

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