5th Annual Broke & Bookish Secret Santa

This was my first year that I signed up and participated in Broke & Bookish Secret Santa! I had a total blast participating and I mean who doesn’t love giving and receiving presents! It was so much fun stalking the twitter feed following #TBTBSanta and seeing all the updates and sneak peeks of people presents. It is such a great thing for the book community and its crazy how many people participate. If you have never heard of this before I highly recommend you check out some of the blogs/twitter feed and make sure to keep your eyes open around this time next year!
I feel bad because I feel like I didn’t go all out for my person like others did. I was really worried that I would end up getting her something she didn’t want/need/like etc. Also I was not really sure what was really expected besides the books. I have to say when I got the list for my person and while looking up the books they had on their wish list I ended up getting quite a few book recs! I had Rachel aka Fry from Romancing the Laser Pistol ! She is really into fantasy and science fiction so it was cool to see what books she was interested in as well as other hobbies and interest!
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While watching the twitter feed and seeing everyone else getting their packages I was getting really impatient (I cant help it, its my nature). When my dad yelled at me that I had a package I couldn’t contain my excitement!
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The person who was my #TBTBSanta was Jessie H from Jessie Reads Everything ! She is absolutely incredible and it is like she personally knows me! Reese’s are my favorite kind of chocolate and I love fun socks (I am sort of a collector!), but I did not include any of that on my list I filled out! Also she got me some hot chocolate and one of them is Red Velvet! Which is my favorite kind of cake!!!! I swear she was spying on me somehow! In her card she said she purchased me one book from my list and one that was not for my list. I had Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell on my list and have been wanting to read this forever! I am so excited I now own it and have no excuse not to read it very soon. Then she gave me The Looking Glass Wars  by Frank Beddor which I am so ecstatic about. If you know anything about me I love everything Alice in Wonderland and have yet to read any retellings because I have been scared, but I almost purchased this a few weeks ago because I have decided to jump in and read all retellings (Splintered by A.G Howard is the next book I plan to read!) She also purchased me bookmarks from Craftedvan which I absolutely adore and think they have the cutest bookmarks ever! If you can’t tell I am so happy and completely love my gifts and this Secret Santa set up by Broke & Bookish! It is a worthwhile thing to participate in !

I would love to hear if you participated in this and what kind of goodies you received! 


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