Analiese Rising by Brenda Drake Author Interview

Analiese Rising by Brenda Drake Author Interview


When a stranger gives Analiese Jordan a list of names before he dies, the last thing she expects to see is her own on it. Not. Cool. Her search for answers leads to the man’s grandson, Marek, who has dangerous secrets of his own. Both are determined to unlock the mystery of the list.

But the truth is deadly. Analiese is a descendant of the God of Death, known as a Riser, with the power to raise the dead and control them. Finding out she has hidden powers? Cool. Finding out she turns corpses into killers? No, thank you.

Now the trail plants her and Marek in the middle of a war between gods who apparently want to raise an army of the Risen, and Analiese must figure out how to save the world—from herself.

Publication Date:1/8/19

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Analiese Rising by Brenda Drake Author Interview


Top 5 Things readers need to know about the book
  1. There aregods and goddesses from different mythologies around the world that have lost their powers like in American Gods.
  2. There’s a hunt for clues that will unlock dangerous secrets as in The Da Vinci Code.
  3. There’s a haunted catacomb.
  4. They travel from Philadelphia to New York to Rome and to Paris.
  5. And there’s a budding romance.
Who/What was your inspiration for becoming a writer? How long have you been writing?

 I’ve always enjoyed telling stories. I’d have to say my grandmother inspired my love of storytelling. She was Irish and a bit eccentric. She was always telling fantastical stories, mostly with an Irish focklore bend to them. I used to read on the floor beside her as she did the Sunday crossword puzzles. I asked her once how books were made andafter she explained it to me, she challenged me to write my own.

Which of your characters would you say you are most like?

This is a tough one. But I’d have to say that I am most like Nick from the Library Jumpers series. My son is the inspiration for his character, and my son and I are alike. We’re both sarcastic to a point where it can be missed, a little careless, I’m just a little more awkward and controlled than they are.

If your book was to be turned into a movie who would you cast as your leads?

 This is always tough for me. I don’t usually model my characters after actors. If I were to cast the leads for a movie of ANALIESE RISING, I’d choose Odeya Rush for Analiese and for Marek I’d pick Noah Centineo.

Did you have to research anything for your book?

Yes, and I love research. I can get lost in it. I had to research all the gods and goddesses from different mythologies from around the world and the setting in the books.

In 5 words how would you describe Analiese Rising?

Gods without power behaving badly.

If your characters were in the hunger games who’d win?

I’m assuming all my characters are in the Hunger Games? Even secondary ones. In which case, Oyá, the Yoruban Goddess of weather, fire, female leadership, persuasive charm, and transformation. She’s a badass.

Which Hogwarts house would your main character be in ?

The Hogwarts house Analiese would be in is Ravenclaw and Marek would be in Gryffindor.

What’s on your playlist? Does the music go with your book?

Right now, I have Imagine Dragons on my playlist. Music is essential to me while writing and many songs do inspire each book I write. I tend to create playlists for each one

Meet the Author: 

Twitter : @brendadrake
Instagram: @brendadrakeauthor


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