April TBR | 2019

March started out so great for me in terms of reading, I had read 5 books in the first 11 days. Then the flooding hit Nebraska and work got chaotic. I received a few ARCs and april releases that I would love to be able to get to this month. As well as catch up on some books that I started and haven’t finished and ones I was suppose to read awhile ago.

{Disclosure: Some of the links might contain affiliate links}

Smoke and Key by Kelsey Sutton

Forward Me Back To You by Mitali Perkins

You Must Not Miss by Katrina Leno

It Calls Me: An Anthology by Katie Coughran

The Raven’s Tale by Cat Winters

D Wrath of the Dragon King by Brandon Mull

What are some books you are planning to read in April? Do you want to join me in reading any of these?

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Email: fallingdownthebookhole@gmail.com


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