Arena One by Morgan Rice | Book Review


Had I but died an hour before this chance, I had lived a blessed time; for, from this instant, There’s nothing serious in mortality.”

– Shakespeare, Macbeth

This was like the best part of this book. I love that quote by Shakespeare, but the rest of the book was a huge let down and I am not even going to spend much time on this review because I do not think anyone should spend time reading this. I did believe Morgan Rice had a great idea and something that was new to anything else I have read, but towards the middle of the book it seemed to change direction and the story turned into this massive love triangle story.

One of the worst things about this book is that is was so poorly edited. I almost didn’t finish the book because of that fact. I can understand a few mistakes in the book, but there were so many that it is embarrassing for the author and book editor.

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