August TBR| 2019

In true August fashion I have decided that I need to make it a true ARC August TBR. I have quite a few ebooks that have recently been released or come out very soon that I need read. Since I have been putting off all of my reading responsibilities in favor for romance books. It is going to be slightly hard to put aside the paranormal and dark romances, but I need to work on my netgalley ratio!I do know Netgalley is hosting a reviewathon that I should take part in. I also would like to get to some books I was sent for review or unsolicited from publishers, that came out this year.

Spin the Dawn by Elizabeth Lim

Ever Alice by H.J Ramsay

The Grey Sisters by Jo Treggiari

Blood Born by Renee Lake

Radioactive Evolution by Richard Hummel

Smoke and Key by Kelsey Sutton

Analiese Rising by Brenda Drake

What are some books you are planning to read in August? Are you going to make an ARC August TBR?

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