B.A.A (Book Addict Anonymous) Haul

Deciding to put myself on a book buying ban in the month of March was the worst thing I could have ever done. I have bought more books this month than any other, a total of 33 books. So again I decided to do a photo book haul/unboxing of the rest of my books bought in March.


These are the boxes of books just from this past week. Bookoutlet should be banned on my computer.


“Just your average boy-meets-girl, girl-kills-people story”

Anna Dressed in Blood, Kendare Blake

(Not only is this cover absolutely beautiful, the story sound super interesting and I can’t wait to read this. Another awesome aspect is the writing is in red, how cool!)


          The Program, Suzanne Young


(This is starting to get a lot of buzz, and the sequel is coming out soon too. This was in the scratch and dent section, its a hardcover and I only paid $2.99 for it ! It is in pretty awesome condition and look at the book cover under the dust jacket. I can’t wait to have time to get to this book!)


 Renegade, J.A. Souders

(I also got this one in the scratch and dent section for only $2.99 and its a hardcover! I’m not really sure what it is about something about a utopia under water. I saw it on a booktube book haul and than saw it on Bookoutlet and figured I would give it a try. If you have read this let me know what you think.)


The Girl of Fire and Thorns  – Rae Carson

(I also purchased this off of Bookoutlet (I was suppose to also receive Crown of Embers, but they must have sold out when they shipped my package because I did not receive the book ). I have heard some good things about this series and found it for cheap! Again I know this is something about a princess or something. I find that I like to not look too much into a book before I read it so I don’t spoil anything. )


Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs

(I have heard nothing but good things about this book. I love that it has a creepy aspect to it and used actual photographs throughout the book. I am really looking forward to this read!)


The Wildwood Chronicles (Wildwood and Under Wildwood) by Colin Meloy and illustrated by Carson Ellis

(This is a middle grade fantasy and something out of my normal read because I usually read YA and Adult. I have to say that besides for the fact that Colin Meloy the author is the lead singer of the Decemberists the biggest reason I wanted to read this trilogy can be accredited to Torrance Coombs! I am in love with the CW show Reign in which Torrance Coombs stars in and I follow him on Instagram where he posted pictures of him reading this trilogy. The book has a beautiful cover, deckle edges and amazing illustrations! I can’t wait to dive into this trilogy! )


The Knife of Never Letting Go by Patrick Ness

(I have heard nothing but great things about Patrick Ness and I have heard a lot of good reviews about the Chaos Walking Trilogies. This is about a place where everyone can hear each others thoughts. It is such an interesting story and just by flipping through the book it looks like it is also written in an interesting style. I can’t wait to read this and might just move it up on my TBR List!)


Another Little Piece by Kate Karyus Quinn

(I have really been in the mood for some horror and thriller reads so this was a perfect match! And it was cheap enough to buy in hardcover!! Just look at that amazing book cover. This is about a girl named Annaliese who vanishes one night in the woods and than a year late a girl realizes she is in the body of the girl that vanished, but isn’t the real Annaliese)


Seraphina by Rachel Hartman

(I think the only thing that needs to be said about this one is that its about dragons who can transform into humans!!! How awesome does that sound)


The House of the Scorpion by Nancy Farmer

(So as beautiful as this cover is, I am a little upset at Bookoutlet because this is not the cover I thought I would be getting. But besides that fact I cannot wait to read this book. It is about cloning and harvesting! I have heard amazing things about this about this book with some comments concerning the fact that this is such a beautiful literary work that it should be included in school reading list. )


Anomaly by Krista McGee

(This was kind of a cover buy for me and it was also pretty cheap so I thought why not. I is the first book in what a believe is a trilogy that is a sci-fi dystopian. It revolves around a girl who has/ can feel things which is kind of not allowed in her society. This book seems really intriguing!)


Warm Bodies by Isaac Marion

(So I have watched this movie and never read the book.I know one of the worst things ever. But my friend dragged me to this movie and after watching it I was still not 100% into the story. I figured it might just be the way the movie was that made me dislike it. I never had any intentions of buying it, but when I saw it for SUPER cheap on book outlet I figured why not.)


Awake at Dawn by C.C. Hunter

(This is the second book in the Shadow Falls Series. I have the first one and saw this for cheap and figured I might as well buy it so I could read it after I finish the first one!)

That is it for my enormously large end of the month book haul that adds to the already excessive amount of books I bought in the month of March.


If you have read any of this or have thoughts about them feel free to share them (Just make sure you don’t spoil anything for me yet!)

Wish-list: If you would like to fund my addiction !


      1. Haha! It doesn’t look like a problem to me 🙂 Honestly…I was a little bored. But I had to remember the audience, you know?

        Ps. Don’t forget to send me your address!

          1. Oh no! I haven’t gotten anything. In fact, I was certain I had freaked you out and you changed your mind haha. If you want, comment back on here and I can screen shot it and maybe delete our thread afterwards? Too risky?

  1. So many good books! I read Anna Dressed in Blood and the sequel Girl of Nightmares recently and loved them both! They remind me of the television series Supernatural. Cas is like a young Dean. I have also read Warm Bodies and it is one of my favorites. The rest sound really neat. I just got a book haul too but they were mostly on my kindle so they are not nearly as exiting to unbox. I do love getting packages of books!

    When you can, check out my April Book Haul on my page. I’m sure you’ve read some of the new books I got and I’d love to know your opinions on them 🙂


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