BIG BOOKS | 2018 Goals

One of the things I really want to focus on this year is big books. I have included it in my bookish bucket list for the past few years and will be included again for 2018. I consider a big book to be 500 + pages. This has been a struggle that I have faced every year because big books intimidate me because they take a lot of time and dedication.You have to be in the mood for it and know it will take a few weeks to finish.  I own a lot of them and many of them I have heard nothing, but awesome things about. All of the big books I have taken the time to  read I have not been disappointed with. So I want to put this out into the blogosphere that I want to read at leastBig Books in 2018! Here are some of the big books I own and really want to try to get to in this next year. Obviously this list is more than 6 and some are in a series with other books that belong in that series that also have more than 500 pages. These are just some of the top ones I really need to be getting to very soon! 
» Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy {864 pages} (I started this a long time ago and got halfway through but never finished it)
» Cress by Marissa Meyer {552 pages} ( I need to continue on with these series so bad)
» A Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J. Maas {626 pages} ( Another series I need to continue with)
» Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix by J.K Rowling {870 pages} ( I know how can I not have read this yet. I need to finish reading this series)
» The Republic of Thieves by Scott Lynch {726 pages} ( I have been holding off on reading this book because I have been waiting for the release of the 4th book)
» The Well of Ascension by Brandon Sanderson {781 pages} ( Starting to see a pattern? Another series I need to continue)
» Americanah by Chimsmsnfs Ngozi Adichie {589 pages} (I started this a few years ago and some stuff happened and I never continued)
» Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss {662 pages} ( This is one I have been meaning to read for so long)

What are some big books you need to read or want to read in 2018! 


  1. Cress! Yes! I have a big baddie on my TBR as well! Sleeping Beauties is like over 1000? I want to read it and IT so, let’s see if I have time to read anything else this year! Hahaha. Have you ever tried audiobooks? That helped me get through The Gunslinger by Stephen King this past summer

    1. I have started listening to more audiobooks this year, but I am really picky about what audiobook I listen to. I have a hard time listening to really long books and books that are fantasy/paranormal.

  2. I highly recommend you finish Cress and Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Cress is an outstanding novel, and I flew through it in two sittings. The page numbers might be daunting, but the story itself is pretty enticing and exciting. I love the Harry Potter series, but will admit it took me a little while to finish the OoTP. After that one, the last two HP books aren’t quite as long. Happy reading! 🙂

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