Book Blogger Shout Out |Dee @ The Bookish Khaleesi

Book Blogger Shout Out The Bookish Khaleesi

So if you have been around on my blog you will know of my new feature: Book Blogger Shout Out! The purpose of this is to showcase some awesome book bloggers! This month I reached out and asked Dee @ The Bookish Khaleesi if she would be so kind to participate and be featured for my Book Blogger Shout-out! Her blog is fantastic and so adorable! She has some awesome graphics and posts with tons of pictures! She reads a wide variety and I totally recommend checking out her blog!

Book Blogger Shout Out The Bookish Khaleesi
Book Blogger Shout Out The Bookish Khaleesi

Hi everyone! My name is Dee and I am just a girl who fell in love with books and Jamie Fraser. I love reading and binge watching numerous TV shows on Netflix. I love everything YA, but I am open to other genres as well. When I first started reading I was a huge Paranormal Romance reader, but if you can find a cute contemporary that has a great story/message I will devour it in one setting. I am currently all about Fantasy novels. When I don’t have a book in my hands, I am probably watching Arrow or Outlander. I am obsessed with baby animals and cheesy romantic comedies. I started blogging as a way to interact with more people about the books that I loved. None of my friends or family read, so blogging has been a great outlet for me to fangirl. If you ever need someone to fangirl with, I am always here 😉
Also, thank you so much Ashley for featuring me on her blog today! You’re awesome, Ashley XD


When I first started reading I was really intimidated by reading Fantasy. I always felt that if a book had a map that it was too complicated for me. Include a glossary? Forget it! However, I’ve read some pretty amazing books that completely converted me. Now Fantasy is my favorite genre. Here are just a few of my all-time favorite series. If you haven’t read them, please do. And if you have, I hope you loved them just as much as I do. 


 Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo

Believe it or not, Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo was actually the first YA Fantasy novel I have ever read. I have read other novels with fantasy backdrops, but this is one of the first “full on” fantasy that I read and fell in love with. The story itself is compelling, but I fell completely in love with Bardugo’s world building. She crafts such an unique world of magic that you’d wish that you were apart of it. Shadow and Bone is just the start of Bardugo’s magic. Six of Crows is the story of a group of criminal misfits coming together to pull an impossible heist. This novel will grab you from page one and not let go of it’s hold until the very last page. This has to be one of my favorite books of 2015. Bardugo really is a mastermind when it comes to magical worlds.

The Young Elites by Marie Lu


Marie Lu is the author of one of the best YA Dystopian series, Legend and when I found out she was writing a fantasy series I lost it. Completely lost it. If you love a series about a group of individuals all with unique abilities that is also pretty dark, this is the series for you. The Young Elites isn’t just your average fantasy series. It tells the story about the antivillain and it is breathtaking.


Throne of Glass series by Sarah J Maas


The Throne of Glass has quickly become one of the most loved fantasy series out there in YA. I may be biased, but I personally think it deserves all its hype. I am in love with the world Maas has crafted. From the Fae to the Valg to the witches and the magic. I can’t get enough of this world and the series just sucks you right in. Maas gives us a pretty badass female protagonist with not one, not two, but about four different swoon-worthy guys (if you’re caught up to Heir of Fire, you’ll know). If you haven’t read the Throne of Glass series yet, I strongly urge you to. It has a great story and some awesome character development. Yes, there is a bunch of romance (maybe a little too much that needs to be decentralized) but the story itself is so strong! Maas is another Queen of Fantasy. Plus she has a pretty awesome Beauty and the Beast fantasy retelling called A Court of Thorns and Roses as well 😉


The Wrath and the Dawn by Renee Ahdieh

This is not only a fantastic retelling of A Thousand and One Nights, but a beautiful, magical world that Ahdieh created. The setting, the dresses, the castle (for lack of a better term), the magic, everything screams beautiful and just made me want to devour the entire story. I couldn’t not put this book down for one second. If you like retellings, you need to give this a read immediately.

Daughter of Smoke & Bone Trilogy by Laini Taylor


I know another guest blogger has already mentioned Daughter of Smoke & Bone, but I can’t not mention it as well. It’s one my favorite fantasy series ever! I started this series after I kept hearing Katytastic rave about it constantly. I decided to pick it up and I was blown away. This series has a very intricate world based on angels and the chimaera (demons) who have been at war for years. It tells the story of a girl stuck in the middle and the ultimate forbidden love. This series is beautiful. These characters don’t love at face-value, their souls reach out to each other and to me, it’s one of the most beautiful series in YA.

Well there you have it! A few of my favorite fantasy books/series. There are definitely more, I didn’t want to hijack Ashley’s wonderful blog 🙂 I hope you enjoyed reading and thanks again to Ashley for being awesome and letting me be a guest <3

Make sure to check out her blog and other social media!


Goodreads: Dee
Instagram: bookishkhaleesi
I would love to hear thoughts on this new feature. If you have any questions or comments for Dee make sure to leave them here or head over to her blog! Look out for the next book blogger!


Book Blogger Shout Out The Bookish Khaleesi


  1. It’s a great feature! Great oportunity to give some bloggers shout outs and for the others to discover new blogs! Dee was one of the first bloggers I followed and talked to and she is always so nice! Great to see her and her blog here!

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