Bookish Naughty List | 2018 Blogmas Book Tag

I saw this over at Emily’s blog Tumbling into Wonderland Books and was originally created by Jenniely @ A Page of Jenniely
I also did this tag last year and you can see my post here!
So this tag, you are supposed to check off the bookish things that you are guilty of.

Received an ARC and not reviewed it √
I was a lot better at it this year then previous, but I received so many all at once and unfortunately was not able to get to them all.

  • Have less than 60% feedback rating on Netgalley √
    My netgalley feedback rating is sooo bad that I am not even going to say what it is.
  • Rated a book on goodreads and promised a full review was to come on your blog (and never did) 
    I never promise a review on goodreads.
  • Folded down the page of a book 
    This makes me cringe. I have been borrowing some library books lately and my heart breaks a little when I see the pages folded down.
  • Accidentally spilled on a book √
    I blame my cats for this because they like to knock over everything especially coffee.
  • DNF a book this year 
    This has happened officially once this year but there are also a few books I started and just havent fully decided if I am going to continue or not.
  • Bought a book purely because it was pretty with no intention of reading it
    I have bought books because they are pretty, but never with no intention of reading them.
  • Read whilst you were meant to be doing something else (like homework) 
    All of the time! Lately I have been choosing reading over chores, cleaning, showering, cooking etc
  • Skim read a book  
    Not since college and that was just with textbooks
  • Completely missed your Goodreads goal √
    I am making a valiant effort to reach my goal, but I am a little ridiculous far off from my goal and setting unrealistic expectations for Dec. reading goals.
  • Borrowed a book and not returned it 
    I am sure this has happened. I know people have borrowed books from me and never returned them ( one was a personalized signed arc copy )
  • Broke a book buying ban 
    I have stopped putting myself on book buying bans because they will not work
  • Started a review, left it for ages then forgot what the book was about 
    ugh… yes and I need to get better at this. I have so many drafts started on both wordpress and my phone.
  • Wrote in a book you were reading √
    I am participating in a traveling book club and we are annotating books, so I have been writing in the margins!
  • Finished a book and not added it to your Goodreads  
    I am so good about adding them on goodreads!




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