Bookish Naughty List | 2019 Book Tag

I saw this over at Emily’s blog Tumbling into Wonderland Books and was originally created by Jenniely @ A Page of Jenniely
I also did this tag last year and you can see my post here!
So this tag, you are supposed to check off the bookish things that you are guilty of.

Received an ARC and not reviewed it √

I am a horrible person. I tried so hard this year to be better. Netgalley makes it so easy and I just get so excited and forget that I have life things and work as well.

Have less than 60% feedback rating on Netgalley √

“My netgalley feedback rating is sooo bad that I am not even going to say what it is. ” (quote from what I wrote last year) I dont think I have ever had a truer quote on my blog.

Rated a book on goodreads and promised a full review was to come on your blog (and never did) 

I never promise a review on goodreads.

Folded down the page of a book 

Never could I do this. I will use anything I need to as a bookmark to avoid it.

Accidentally spilled on a book 

I cant say that I remember this happening this year.

DNF a book this year 

I DNFd a beloved book of the book community this year and I do not regret it. It just was not for me.

Bought a book purely because it was pretty with no intention of reading it

I have bought books because they are pretty or have a funny cover, but I plan on reading all the books I buy. I even bought a book that I had never heard of before and didn’t even read the synopsis, but it had cats on it.

Read whilst you were meant to be doing something else (like homework) 

This is an all the time thing, but lately it has gone both ways. I have been doing everything but reading.

Skim read a book √

I can’t lie there are a couple books this year that got boring and I skim read parts.

Completely missed your Goodreads goal 

I have way surpassed my goal this year! I guess that means I need to set the bar higher next year.

Borrowed a book and not returned it 

Not this year!

Broke a book buying ban √

I did not do a very good job of this. I did go all September and October without buying books, but the ban I set on myself didn’t last more than a week into the year.

Started a review, left it for ages then forgot what the book was about √

I have gotten better this year but there are still a few I was planning on writing and still haven’t gotten around to.

Wrote in a book you were reading 

Not this year, although I have before

Finished a book and not added it to your Goodreads  

I track them as I read on Goodreads so I have no trouble of forgetting to add read books.




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