Books I Want to Read Before the End of 2017

I have gone through waves of reading this year. Now that I am starting to get settled into my new job and home, I really want to focus on tackling my TBR. I have a full bookcase and countless more books on my Kindle that I have yet to read. I am trying to create a read/reward system. I will never get to all the books I want to read if I just keep buying more. So here are some books I am trying really hard to get to before the end of the year.
SlaughterHouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut
City of Blades by Robert Jackson Bennett
Americanah by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
The Looking Glass Wars by Frank Beddor
The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan
Wild Magic by Tamora Pierce
Half A King by Joe Abercrombie (reread)
Looking For Alaska by John Green (reread)

Are there any books you really want to read before the end of the year?


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