Bout of Books 11.0 TBR


For those that don’t know what Bout of Books is… here you go:

The Bout of Books read-a-thon is organized by Amanda @ On a Book Bender and Kelly @ Reading the Paranormal. It is a week long read-a-thon that begins 12:01am Monday, August 18th and runs through Sunday, August 24th in whatever time zone you are in. Bout of Books is low-pressure, and the only reading competition is between you and your usual number of books read in a week. There are challenges, giveaways, and a grand prize, but all of these are completely optional. For all Bout of Books 11 information and updates, be sure to visit the Bout of Books blog. – From the Bout of Books team

I have been on a read-a-thon kick! The month of August for me will basically be dedicated to read-a-thons and read-a-longs! I participated in Bout of Book 10.0 early this year and did not do so great so I figured I would give it another go. Everyone else should participate too! Go sign up on the Bout of Books blog! I have put together a TBR, but I am not sure how much I will stick to it. But for now this is the plan.

♠ I am hoping to read at least 100 pages a day.
♠ Finish at least two books (but hoping I finish more!)
♠ Update as much as possible (via my blog and twitter) [updates will follow my normal format]
♠ Share quotes and thoughts on books throughout the week.



The Invention of Hugo Cabret – Brian Selznick

We’ll Always Have Sumer– Jenny Han

Shovel Ready– Adam Sternbergh

Orphan Train– Christina Baker Kline


There is still about a week until the read-a-thon starts, but are you participating? If you are it would be awesome if you give me the link to your TBRs! I love seeing what everyone else is reading! 

Also make sure to follow my twitter @downthebookhole for more updates and information on Bout of Books 11 !


  1. I might have to look into this read-a-thon! I’m currently doing one right now, but I might be up for another one!
    Those are some great picks! I’ve heard that Orphan Train is an excellent novel- really sad, but fantastic nonetheless.

  2. Yay for readathons! =o) I have heard awesome things about The Summer I Turned Pretty, I definitely need to get on that series. Good luck on your reading goals!

  3. The Summer trilogy is AMAZING and I’m sure you’ll fly through the books 🙂 The Invention of Hugo Cabret is a great book too! Good luck 🙂

  4. Good Luck! It looks like you have a great book list and a very doable goal! I’m rooting for you!

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  5. You have some great choices there. I only have the third book in the Summer I Turned Pretty trilogy so safe to say I haven’t started the series yet. My own selections for the week are all over the place 🙂 Good luck reading this week!

  6. The books you chose seem very interesting! I haven’t heard of any of those and now I am intrigued. Good Luck!

  7. I loved all of the illustrations in The Invention of Hugo Cabret. You are in for a treat (;
    I somehow liked the movie better but I think I didn’t understand some of what was going on in the book. So go a little slow maybe. Hope you enjoy reading all of your books!

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