Bout of Books 20 Read-a-thon | Update #1

Day 1 Update and Day 2 Challenge

Day 1: Monday August 21, 2017
Book(s) Read Today: 
Black Bird of the Gallows by Meg Kassel 
The Disappearances by Emily Bain Murphy
Pages Read: 50  pages
“But really, aren’t there bits of magic everywhere we look?’ Dr. Clifton continues. ‘We’ve just stopped seeing it that way.”
Emily Bain Murphy, The Disappearances
Challenge: Synopsis Rewrite
For this challenge, all you have to do is rewrite the synopsis of a book from another character’s point of view. Make it their story instead. If you post on social media, be sure to use #synopsisrewritebob20 to share.
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland
Today of all days the White Rabbit did not have the time for silly little girls. He only had one errand to run, not get chased by a young girl, or have a spot of tea. With his pocket watch destroyed he has no sense of time. Being late today would have his head.
I am not good at this at all, but would love to see others!

How did your first day of Bout of Books go?


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