Divergent | Movie Review

I have to say I was happily surprised by this movie. After watching the trailer I was not completely sure if I would be happy with the adaptation. And although there were things that I did not like, overall I thought they did a good job. I know I have already stated it before in one of my previous post, but the soundtrack for this movie was on point. It was absolutely amazing and that was the first thing my friends and I talked about after the movie. Most times the music in movies doesn’t really phase me unless there is a purpose you are suppose to be focusing on the music, but I just wanted to Shazam every single song. Although that was absolutely brilliant, there were a few problems I had with the film.

First, if they plan on continuing with the movies they are going to have to play catch up. There will be a lot of introducing characters that should have been been done in this movie. Because of the relationships that those people have and formed in the first book that carries on through the trilogy. (That seems a little confusing but makes sense in my mind). Being picky about details my second problem was little things that they left out. There were some things that I though solidified relationships and lead to other problem. No mention of Edward. His eye were mentioned, he appears and has a role in the second book. The thing with his eye started the hysteria of not making it into Dauntless that led to Al joining to try and throw Tris and eventually killing himself.

I also felt like they left out a lot of information regarding the fear stimulation. With that comes the situation of Four telling Tris about Erudite. I understand that there is a time limit. And they have to get so much information in a small amount of time. The world was built beautifully and all the elements of the Factions were represented nicely. I can’t wait to see the next movie. Although this time I think I will wait to see it after its been in theaters for awhile. I can’t handle the screaming girls and the clapping at the end of movies. But thats it for now check out my review on the book!

My Thoughts on Hunger Games vs. Divergent 


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