Dusting Off The Shelf Read-A-Thon | TBR


I have just recently moved back home and I’m trying to be a big kid and find a real job, but while the search is underway I have loads of free time and what better way than to dedicate to reading! Emily @ Books & Cleverness is hosting a two week long read-a-thon from August 1st to August 15th! Check out her blog to see the rules/sign-up and all that good stuff! The theme of this read-a-thon is reading books that have been gathering dust on your shelves for a very long time! Emily has also created some challenges which you can check out here! With the books I have picked I tried to find ones that are different genres and such since I have been reading and ones that have been sitting on my shelf for some time. I have to say that my TBR is subject to change, but for the most part I will be trying to stick to it! I also haven’t decided on how I will be doing my updates (they will follow my typical read-a-thon update format) I won’t be doing one everyday, but after I decide I will let you know! Now on to the challenges…

Read a book set in the past.Read a

♠ Read a book set in the past- The Ravenmaster’s Secret: Escape From The Tower Of London by Elvira Woodruff

♠ Read a classic- Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

♠ Read a book written before 2010-

The Wedding by Nicolas Sparks

Fallen by Lauren Kate

Confessions of a Working Girl: A True Story by Miss S

♠ Extra: The Storybook of Legends by Shannon Hale


I know this is a very weird assortment, but they are ones I have been neglecting and need to get around to! Hopefully I get to these and more!


If you plan on participating please let me know! I would love to keep up with your updates and see what you will be reading!


  1. Pride and Prejudice is on mine as well! I’m “killing two birds with one stone” with this one as I’m also participating in The Book Heap’s Austen August P&P read-a-long. I’m ashamed that I’ve never read it! :O I really enjoyed Fallen, too – total guilty pleasure read 😉

    1. OMG I am so doing that read-a-long too! Haha thats why I decided to pick Pride and Prejudice as my classic. I also cannot believe I have never read it before. And I know there has been talk about Fallen being turned into a movie and Ive heard mixed things about it so I figured I would just give it a try!

      1. Yeah I read it way back before I started blogging…I feel like my reading taste and standards have matured quite a bit since then, so don’t take my word for it. And yes! They’ve already released the first promo pic, but I don’t really know how I feel about it being brought to the screen.

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