Down The Read-A-Thon Hole Challenge | An Alice in Wonderland Themed Read-A-Thon

Falling Down The Book Hole-8
The time has come my little friends to talk of many things, of books, and blogs and readathons, of blogiversaries!
With my 5 year blogiversary quickly approaching I thought it would be fun to host a Read-A-Thon. With my obsession with Alice in Wonderland I thought it would only be appropriate to make it an Alice in Wonderland themed read-a-thon. I reached out to some other book bloggers to help me with this because I love getting others inputs and sharing the love. 


The  FDTBH with an Alice in Wonderland Read-a-Thon runs from Thursday, February 1 to Thursday, February 15. During this read-a-thon you will select books to complete a bingo card, with each box earning you points as well as a bingo. In addition to the main challenge, you will have opportunities to earn even more points by participating in the themed bonus challenges using a blog/twitter/instagram.


Read a book that completes the reading challenges to earn an “Alice” bingo. That means 5 in a row either vertically, horizontally or diagonally. Additionally there will be other challenges posted throughout the 2 weeks that will earn you more points.
Each Box: 10pts
Bingo: 50pts
Blog Challenges: 20pts

All points will need to be submitted to me by Feb 18th! The person with the most points at the end of the read-a-thon will win $15 for Amazon/Book Depository! 



February 4th- Alice in Wonderland DIY – Ashley @ Falling Down The Book Hole 
February 6th- Alice’s Adventures Down The Book Hole Book Tag- Two Book Minimum 
February 9th- Alice Themed Discussion- Alex @ Booksy Daisy
February 12th- Mad Hatter Tea Party Book Tag- Liam @ Book Worm Hole 
(You have until February 15th to complete and post this challenges to receive the points)


Think you’re ready to take on the Down The Read-A-Thon Hole Challenge? To sign up create a sign-up post on your blog ( twitter/instagram) with your challenge TBR list. Once you’ve made your post, be sure to link it back using the Inlinkz widget below. Also make sure to use the hashtag #downthereadathonhole to share your progress, challenges and updates! Happy Reading!


  1. This sounds like such a fun challenge! If I didn’t have so much reading to do for courses I would definitely join in. Best of luck!! <3

  2. Hi! This seems a lot of fun! 🙂 I have to think about joining in because I’d love to, but I have to plan in advance and see if I can or not… I hope to come back later to join you all! 🙂

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