Friday Reads | Catching Up on Bookish Things Edition

The New Year has started off great! But for some reason I haven’t given much time to reading and blogging lately. I have been sucked into The Vampire Diaries binge watch and the internet. I really need to get some review written, books completed and the rest of my read-a-thon announcement post put together. I am hoping that due to the cold weather and the fact that I need to go to the gym this weekend will keep me curled up on the couch able to get a lot of that stuff done.
I literally just finished The Thousandth Floor by Katharine McGee and it was so much better than I was expecting, the ending shocked me and I need the next book in the series. I also am hoping to complete Wolf-Speaker by Tamora Pierce the 2nd book in The Immortals series. I am really hoping to read the whole series this month. I do not know why I have waited so long to read this series as well as the rest of the books by Tamora Pierce. These books are amazing young adult fantasy books with a great female lead, intriguing magic and a world in turmoil. I know if I put some time aside I will fly though the rest of the book this weekend. I am not sure what audiobook I am going to start next there are quite a few I have on a list to start. I also want to pick up the next book in the Immortals series, Emperor Mage by Tamora Pierce. I am thinking of also possibly picking up Final Girls by Riley Sager ! But who knows what will happen.

What are you reading this weekend?


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