Friday Reads | Hiding From The Cold

I finally got some time off of work! I have a 4 day weekend and I am beyond excited about it! Yesterday I spent the day doing some shopping. I wanted to go Downtown and go exploring but it is beyond cold today and so windy. I have been in this new city a little over 3 months and have not seen anything yet, but I do not want to be out in this crazy winter is coming weather all day. So I am continuing my days off by cleaning the apartment, getting some life things figured out, blogging, reading and watching Season 2 of Stranger Things! I have been reading Have by Mary Lindsey and I am hoping to finish it this weekend! I am really enjoying it so far. I am loving the vibe, build up and characters. It is reminding me of the small towns in horror movies like The Hills Have Eyes and House of Wax, where the small towns have a creepy secret that everyone in town knows but the outsider is completely in the dark. As the reader we are an outsider, it is quite interesting. After I finish this I am not really sure what I am going to pick up. I have a stack of spooky/creepy books that I would like to continue making my way through before it is too fast past the Halloween season. I have considered picking up Girl of Nightmares by Kendare Blake, which is the sequel to Anna Dressed in Blood that I just recently read. 

What are you reading this weekend?



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