Have I Gone Mad?

This past month has been a crazy, wild rollercoaster. There have been some exciting new adventures I am being to embark on as well as some not so fun occurrences that have taken place. I have been beyond stressed, overwhelmed and sometimes I feel a little nonsensical. Before I explain all of the happenings of the past month, which explain why I haven’t been able to blog or read much of late, there are some other exciting things that have happened recently as well! 

Over the past few months I have been going through a lot of changes. At the beginning of September I got a promotion at work! Which was very exciting, but added a lot more work to my plate as I was then doing the job of 2 people until I hired my replacement. So with that I also got to do interviews and hire for my old position which was super fun and also a little scary. I felt like I was really critical of the prospective candidates since they would be replacing me and I felt like I put a lot of time and work into that role. I also had a scary with one of my cats and now have to feed them special food, which is annoying but I am so glad they are okay. Now onto the happenings of October! 

I Bought A House!


Since I moved to Omaha, I have been living in an apartment for the past 2 years. Although there are some really nice things about living in an apartment, I was so over neighbors sharing walls and hearing things I didn’t want to at all hours of the day/night. Trying to look at houses while busy with work was stressful. I saw a ton of houses and found one that I really liked. I put an offer in and it got accepted, then when I had the home inspection it came back that it would cost so much in fixes. I was devastated because I was so excited. So I walked on the offer and went back to looking for a house.

It was a few days later my realtor send me some pictures of a house that was just listed and thought I would love it! I went and saw it later that day. I liked it and thought it would be good even though there were changes that needed to happen. For the price it was listed at I thought it would go super fast so I put in an offer. That night I got a text from my realtor that it got accepted! The house inspection happened and went really well! The sellers wanted a quick closing, I had a little less than a month to get ready to move. 


I was not very happy with the inside and didn’t feel like it fit my style. To help me after the house closed my parents drove out from MI and brought my little brother with them who I had not seen in over a year. The spent a week out here helping me to renovate and paint to make it more of my home! While also juggling work and having a month to completely move out of my apartment. I could not have done it without my family and friends. I still am living out of boxes and haven’t fully made it feel like home yet but I am so happy to be in a house of my own. The cats are loving all of the windows and exploring.


Surprise Surgery

I had almost gotten everything moved into my house, my new hire was starting and I was going to be going on PTO from work because one of my best friends was suppose to fly out to NE to see me. I was so excited and could not wait to get to Wednesday and pick my friend up from the airport. Then Monday night happened. I was trying to eat dinner and ended up getting sick, I couldn’t sleep all night and texted my boss Tuesday morning telling him I believed I had food poisoning. I was miserable and felt horrible. I couldn’t keep anything down and was finally convinced to go to the doctors. My amazing friend Bri picked me up and took me to the ER because I was dehydrated and would need an IV. 

While at the ER the doctor told me that I had a high white blood cell count and they wanted a CT Scan. With the results from that they decided something was off but needed an ultrasound to be sure. Then the doctor told me I would need surgery to remove my gallbladder and they were doing it that night. I was happy that this would help the pain I was in but sad that my friend was going to have to reschedule her flight and couldn’t come to see me since I would have surgery and then recovery.

It was super scary since I never had surgery before and all I wanted was my parents and they were so far away. The one positive even thought after the surgery I was in a ton of pain was the week I got to take off work to relax and recover. I was able to get a ton of reading done!

Kitten Halloween!

The last event of October was Halloween. I love Halloween so much. Being laid up from my surgery I wasn’t able to decorate much and didn’t put together a costume. Of course I got costumes for my cats though! We were so excited to hand out candy now that we live in a house but unfortunately there were only 4 kids that came to the door. 

What fun and exciting things have been happening in your life? Or have you been a little mad, painting the roses red as well. 


  1. Wow!!! That is super scary about your sudden illness and surgery! Hope you’re feeling much better now!

    That house is adorable!!!! I love the yellow and you guys did a great job with the redecorating. Does it still have it’s adorable original kitchen by any chance??? And any cute built-ins anywhere?

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