How to Get ARCs as a Book Blogger

How to Get ARCs as a Book Blogger

I debated creating this post, part being I didn’t know if people would care and part I wasn’t sure I wanted to give all my secrets away! This could also be considered a way to get FREE copies of books, with a focus on ARCs. For me there are multiple reasons I like getting ARCs. The top one is I love getting to read books before others so I can form my own opinion before I get influenced by others. Some other reasons are it helps me to create bookish content because otherwise I wouldn’t read as many newly released books. Reading ARCs has allowed me to grow my following and develop relationships with publishers. It has opened the doorway for working relationships and getting free books and bookish things! So I have created a guide to how to get ARCs as a book blogger, especially for newer bloggers!

How to Get ARCs as a Book Blogger

I am going to go through the ways I receive ARCs as well as some great ways for new book bloggers starting out. I am sure there are many more ways but here are a few!


Now I feel like this is the most known way and also one of the easier ways to get access to both earcs and audiobook arcs. I would just recommend not over requesting because then you will forever be struggling to catch up your ratio! They also have a section of “Read Now” that do not need to be approved by publishers. A good way to start building up your ratio and reputation right away.

Tip: Make sure you check the publication date when requesting to make sure you have enough time to read it and post a review before/by publication!

Social Media

There are multiple ways on social media to get your hands on ARCs!


One of the low effort way is to enter giveaways. Publishers, authors and others in the book community frequently hold giveaways for copies of ARCs. Most times all you have to do it follow their account, like their post/retweet etc.

Blog/Bookstagram Tours

Now this route you usually need a certain amount of followers on the platform you are posting to, but not always. Sometimes these provide physical copies, but a lot of times it is an ebook arc. This could also lead to some publishers/publicity companies to notice you and start reaching out.

ARC Opportunity Announcements/Reviewer Groups

I wasn’t really sure what to title this section because it is a variety of things that are all kind of similar. Authors or publishers will announce the opportunity to sign up to become a street team member, sign up as a book blogger reviewer groups or the ability to request an ARC etc. Regardless of my followers numbers I always sign up for these or enter if it is an author or book I am interested in. This is one of the ways I have received the most ARCs and built the strongest relationships. Some of the publishers I enjoy I am signed up for their reviewer newsletter and get to select which ones I am interested in reading!

NOVL Nation – monthly newsletter with a way to enter a giveaway and request the ARC of the month

Entangled Teen

Facebook Groups

This is a newer one for me that I discovered when joining some of my fav romance authors facebook groups. They sometimes offer the ability to review and early copy! I have also joined a romance group on facebook where authors post ARCs for review and allow you to request it. There is usually a limit of the copies and you need to have the review posted in a certain amount of time or you will be kicked out. But this group has helped me to find some lesser known romance authors. They have a variety or sub genres and you only have to sign up for the ones you are interested in. Its been lots of fun!


This is one way I have only done once or twice. It worked for me once, but takes a lot of work because you have to make sure you have the right email address, explain all your followers/stats. I have found more success with other ways.


One of the best kept secrets is booksprout. Now this is mostly romance books (all subgenres) but also has other genres too. I have mainly used it for romance. With this site they require that you post the review on their site and on amazon. They are also only ebook arcs. But if you like to discover lesser known books and discover authors you must check this out!

Book Sirens

This is also a site that provides ARCs to lesser known authors and works. My favorite feature for this site is all the graphs and stats they create based off your goodreads information!

If you want to learn more about some of my other tips check out my 8 Tips From My Recent Bookish Successes!

What are some of the ways you have discovered on how to receive ARCs? Have you utilized any of these ways? What are your thoughts on ARCs?


How to Get ARCs as a Book Blogger


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