My Book Filled Weekend Plans

current reads #1

Well this weekend is going to be the first one in awhile that I have off (for now). I have many things to do, tons are book related, a few are life related. As a Queen of making list I have begun to make mine for the whole weekend, and let me tell you, its going to be a busy one.

One of my main goals this weekend is to deep clean my apartment, since it looks like some large weather formation has moved through here multiple times. In addition to that I have to grocery shop since it has been almost 2 months since I have done a serious grocery shop trip. I need to use this weekend to get back to being an adult, or at least faking it a whole of a lot better.

Now onto book related weekend goals! I have been so busy and my life has been hectic that blogging has gone to the back burner. I would love to be able to get a dozen blog post written and scheduled this weekend. I have some great blog post ideas and some great readathons to plan for in May!

I am currently 3 different books and they all happen to be in different formats as well. I am listening to Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince by JK Rowling.

(Yes I know what you are thinking and no I have not finished this series yet. I know I am embarrassed enough for myself and don’t know how I even call myself a book blogger)

I am also reading an eARC of 8 Souls by Rachel Rust and I have to tell you I am so far 85 pages in and flew through those pages. The writing and voice of the main character is so casual and like a great friend telling a story. It is also pretty spooky and gave me some chills which really hasn’t happened to me while reading a book before. The last book is Stalking Jack the Ripper by Kerri Maniscalco. As you can tell a jam packed weekend!

What are your plans for the weekend? Reading anything good?

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