My Holiday Plans | Blogmas 2020

I thought it would be fun to share some of the things I am planning to do on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, just me and my cats! Maybe its only fun for me, but doing it anyways 🙂 I would love to hear how you are spending your day and what your holiday plans are, knowing this year the holiday looks much different for many of us.

In the past couple of years I have done a 24 hour readathon for Christmas Eve. I am still planning on trying to read as much as I possible can, but I also have to work on Christmas Eve, and unfortunately will be on call for work. I am finally at the point where I only need to finish one more book to have read the most books in a year! So reading plans are a big part of both Christmas Eve and Christmas day plans.

I am over half way through with The Grey Bastards by Jonathan French and I really want to spend some time to finish this book! I am loving it so far and as it is one of my besties favorites, I can’t wait to talk to her all about it. We are suppose to have a FaceTime date on Christmas Eve!

I have a couple of audiobooks on deck as well so that I can work on some stuff around the house. I need some deep cleaning, organizing done! I also want to start staining the crates I bought to make a bookshelf for my living room!

Other than that the cats and I plan on snuggling reading and watching movies. I have been watching Holiday movies all month but there are a few movies I save for Christmas Eve/Christmas Day (Meet Me in St. Louis, Elosie at Christmas Time and A Christmas Story!) I am sure there will be others on my tv throughout the 2 days like Its A Wonderful Life and White Christmas!

Overall its pretty low key and not very surprising few days for me! I am excited for some extra days off work and to continue to create my wrap up posts and prep for the new year!

What are your holiday plans? Any fun holiday traditions!



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