New Year Bookish Goal Planning | 2021

New Year Bookish Goal Planning 2021

Here goes year 7 doing this, New Year Bookish Goal Planning 2021! I did pretty well with my with my goals in 2020, although I did not meet them all, I exceeded in some and came close for others. I said this last year, but want to continue to be more intentional with my goals this year. Creating more achievable goals and ones that will help with my bookish/blogging growth as well. I am setting myself both blogging and reading goals this year all in one list instead of dividing them into separate ones. I’m really trying to challenge myself this year and focus on being a blogger and a reader. I also want to set aside time this year for some writing endeavors! (* Be prepared for many repeats if you have been around for awhile or recently looked at my 2020 wrap up*)

Bookish Goals for 2021

Read at least 70 books

In 2020 I was able to read a total of 114 books, which was way more than my goal and the most I have read in one year! I did not want to set a crazy high goal this year, but know that with the continuation of the pandemic I will have a lot more time than previous years for it. I do want to tackle those books on my shelves and read books I have been avoiding. To get to the point where I am okay with picking up a huge fantasy book and not feel bad or like I have to read so many more. Check out the 21 books I want to read in 2021.

Complete 10 Series

It’s laughable that I continue to keep this as a goal every year when every year I struggle with this. I start so many series and then forget about them or get distracted by other books. There are so many series I own that are completed, I own all of them and haven’t read a single one. A post will be coming soon about all of these and I am making some changes to my site for better series tracking.

Work On My Blog Content

This is a repeat from last year, but something I didn’t really spend much time working on my blog and blog content. I want to set aside a day or more time to specifically just work on my blog and content.

  • I want to work on updating all of my old posts, since I switched to self-hosted at the end of 2018 and some of my posts are messed up with broken links.
  • Make sure I write reviews for all 2021 releases and series wrap ups
  • Develop new and creative content
  • Work and learn more about SEO and traffic driven posting

Diversify My Reading

This year being what it was brought about a lot of things that I want to make sure I am doing my part with. I want to be more cognizant of the books I am picking up and reading. Making sure I am reading books with representation as well as from authors with different representation. Additionally making sure I am diversifying the genres and age audience. I want to be able to recommend a variety of books that is diverse completely.

Start Writing A Book

My best friend and I have been talking about this for years. I want to actually start taking actions and pursing the things I enjoy. Especially now with all the time stuck at home alone and without the distractions of other plans. I have some ideas and say it will most likely be adult and romance/romance adjacent.

Read at least 5 BIG Books

{I am counting a Big Book as being over 500 pages}

Another goal I continue to add to my bookish goals every year, and another one I always fall short on. I need to stop being scared of the bigger books and just read them regardless how long they take me. Especially since I usually listen to audiobooks at night regardless of the physical book I am reading. So we are going in 2021 with no fear of big books!

Explore the Book Community

This is really meant to be more intentional about spending more time discovering books, bookish people and bookish content. It means taking opportunities that come along in the bookish realm. To actually spend time viewing and commenting on other content creators work! I am excited for a fun opportunity I jumped at and begins very soon, I am judging in a book contest so that should be fun and allow me to read so many books I wouldn’t normally pick up!

Read At Least 10 Underrated Books

{ I am going to base this on those books that have less than 5,000 ratings on Goodreads}

I created a goal last year of Underrated books I want to read in 2020. Although I didn’t read many of those I did read quite a few that were underrated. I find that a lot of times there are books that are so hyped in the book community that cause me to want to read them. There is nothing better than the feeling of discovering a hidden gem and being able to share and gush about a book that not many people talk about. I will be creating a different list for 2021, some will be the same, but there will be some new ones as well! And of course probably many that will end up appearing on my read list at the end of the year!

Read 6 of My Best Friend’s Recommendations

Last year was the first year I did this challenge. If you have been around on twitter many people are participating in the 12 books by 12 friends. Well I did something similar, but just from my best friend! We have similar test for the most part, but somehow she always finds hidden gems (I think its because she picks books up just because of bright colors or sexy men on the cover!) I feel like she has been giving me recommendations since we became friends back in college! She was always my bookstore buddy! I was able to read 3 from the original list last year Best Friend Book Recommendations. I have asked for her to give me a few more and will add them to the list of ones I didn’t finish and continue to make my way through them! One of my favorite books of the year was from her recommendation!

Tackle My TBR

My TBR has gotten a little bit crazy. With over 700+ unread books on my book shelves and on my kindle. I want to get that number down greatly. I want to make sure I am reading books that I own or start unhauling some books I do not believe I am interested in anymore.

Have you done any New Year Bookish Goal Planning? What are some of your 2021 bookish goals/resolutions? 


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