One Lovely Blog Award!


I figured since I have been nominated multiple times I should actually do a post! I would like to thank Gwen & Kate’s Library, Girl in the Pages, and Brin’s Book Blog for the nomination. I always feel extremely blessed when I get nominated for blog awards. I started my blog for myself, but love that others enjoy it as well and I have found so many amazing blogs and people from starting my blog!


♠ You must thank the person who nominated you and include a link to their blog.
♠ You must list the rules and display the award.
♠ You must add 7 facts about yourself.
♠ You must nominate 15 other bloggers (or as many as you can) and comment on one of their posts to let them know they have been nominated.
♠ You must display the award logo and follow the blogger who nominated you.


♠  I love cats! I am pretty sure I will end up being a crazy cat lady one day.
♠  I suffer from insomnia. So at night is when I do most of my reading.
♠  I am currently a nanny and it had solidify the fact that I never want children (haha)
♠  I have almost 200 books in my TBR pile, but continue to buy more (I have a problem)
♠  I am a recent audiobook advocate!!!
♠  I could spend hours in a bookstore or library
♠  I just recently graduated from college!


Books Are My Thing

She Reads She Blogs

Confessions of a Book Geek

My Friend the Writer  

Alex in Bookland

Kitty Cat Reads

For The Love of the Page


  1. Congrsts on your graduation! I’m get my AA in December and then I start my BA & teaching credential program, which I’m super excited for. Thanks for the nomination… I’ve been nominated for a few awards recently and it’s just such a great feeling! I really appreciate it. I’ll be doing a post soon.

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