Ranking Books by Riley Sager

Ranking Riley Sager Books

After just recently reading the last of Sager’s published books, I figured it would be a good time to do a ranking post! I feel like these are books that have many different opinions about them and everyone seems to have a different favorite. I’ve seen quite a few of these rating/ranking videos and posts of Sager’s books and not one seems to be the same. I am a horror fan and I have to say Sager is one of a few writers that can actually do it right for me and manage to make me second guess reading them before bed!

I adore the fact that each book focuses on a different horror theme, its a little bit like a literary American Horror Story vibe! So from least favorite to favorite, here we go, ranking Riley Sager Books!

Ranking Riley Sager Books

#7. The Last Time I Lied by Riley Sager

To be honest I don’t remember a whole lot about this books, but I remember being bored and feeling like it really dropped the ball. I feel like I am in the minority of my opinions on this. It had a good concept and could have been amazing, but scare me it did not. I was not thrilled or chilled, it was more of the mystery level for me when I was wanting spooky/creepy.

#6. The House Across The Lake by Riley Sager

I love that Sager takes horror tropes and writes a story from it but I felt like this was too basic and similar to all of the other stories about a drunk woman who spies on her neighbors and thinks she sees something but is unreliable. I just felt like some of the reveals hit at the wrong time and then we had some surprising mixed horror tropes that felt a little too much. The setting was definitely creepy, but it was too slow and dragged for me and I am not sure I was sold on how it all came about ending.

#5. Survive the Night by Riley Sager

I was excited when this first got announced and was hoping it would hold up to the ones that came out right before it. I feel like I have read a few books with the concept of being stuck in the car alone at night or stranded late at night with strangers. It let me down. I thought it started out well, but the twist was less than thrilling for me.

#4. Final Girls by Riley Sager

I feel like I am in the minority in my opinion on this one as well, as it was his first and was a little clunky at times, but I liked the concept. The whole cabin in the woods thing freaks me out because it goes with the whole living alone and not having others around in case something bad happens. It slightly gave me Scream-ish vibes and I appreciated that. I am always here for a good slasher.

#3. Lock Every Door by Riley Sager

I have to say this one completely shocked me, I did not have it figured out until close to the end. It had me on the edge of my seat and was giving me the spine chills. This was a well crafted story in my opinion and quite unique to what I have read in the horror realm.

#2. The Only One Left by Riley Sager

I did not know what to think going into this one and was a little nervous because its gothic horror, which is hit or miss with me. This one had me guessing the whole time and I was shocked by every twist and turn, especially that ending. The setting was definitely fitting for the story and added that eerie vibe. I think this one would be amazing on screen!

#1. Home Before Dark by Riley Sager

As someone who lives alone and has a thing for scary movies, I was so excited for this one because I find houses terrifying. Growing up I had gone into enough houses and experienced enough weird things that have been close to the paranormal. Reading this book at night definitely gave me chills, and although I had ideas what was going on it still got me in the creep factor.

Have you read any books by Riley Sager? Do you have an order for your own Ranking Riley Sager Books?


Ranking Riley Sager Books


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