Romance Auto-Buy Authors

Romance Auto-Buy Authors

That moment you refresh social media and on the top of your feed is amazing news! You begin to high pitch squeal because what is right in front of your face, are words that make your bank account sad. Those letters staring at you, bring happiness and joy to your soul because they are informing you of the fact that your favorite author is releasing a new book! I made a post back in 2019 about my auto-buy authors. Since I have been reading so much more romance over the past few years, I thought it was time to share some of my ultimate romance auto-buy authors.

There are not many but definitely a handful of romance authors that even if I haven’t read all their books/ or caught up on the series I need to own everything they have written. Many of them I have endless titles of theirs on my kindle TBR or in my online cart/wishlists. I will literally read anything these authors write!

Romance Auto-buy Authors

Ruby Dixon

I picked up Ice Planet Barbarian by Ruby Dixon as a joke, but the real joke was on me. I flew through the series (which is now 20 books long!) I have only the last one left to read. She has 10 different series with 104 published works! So far I have been able to read 37 of those and hope to make a dent some of her other works this year! They are just such fun and sexy books!

Katee Robert

Talk about hot & sexy reads! Katee writes some top smut! I know there are so many books on her back list that I haven’t even began to scratch the surface, but I cannot wait! Robert has 98 works with 17 series. I love that she doesn’t shy away from the smut and really gives it all to you, she does not hold back on the steamy moments! Like what a brilliant mind to come up with sexy takes on Disney characters! I am so here for it all and will read anything Robert writes!

Aria Starling

Starling is a new one for me that I recently discovered! I adore her writing and she does such a great job with the sexy aliens and world building! I have flown through her published work and will be not so patiently waiting for the next release!

Abigail Owen

If you are looking for some great paranormal romance, look no further. She has 5 series with 37 current published works! I am obsessed with her dragons and fierce female characters! I like that some of the series are based in the same world and you see character pop up throughout them. These books are filled with hot & sexy paranormal characters and action packed! I cannot wait to get to her backlist and for all the books yet to be published!

C.R Robertson

I feel like this might be hasty since I only just read a book by Robertson recently and have only read one, but I was obsessed! I have no idea if I will like their other series/books, but the one I read completely sold me! It was super sexy, hot and everything in between! The world building and writing was so fantastic! I cannot wait to read everything they have written!

Jay Crownover

This is one from my list I made for ultimate auto-buy authors in 2019 and still stands true. It has been awhile since I have read one of Crownover’s books but that hasn’t stopped me from purchasing them all! She just releases books faster than I can read all of them and I have some catching up to do. I adored all the men from the Marked Men series! Crownover sure knows how to write a swoony male character and some steamy NA! I have gotten to the point of not even reading what the book is about I just automatically buy it!

Now there are tons of authors that I love and just because they aren’t on here didn’t mean I don’t love them just as much. These authors are ones that I have to have their new releases and books right away. I do not even have to know what the book is about, I will just buy it because of who wrote it. I am sure as I delve more into the romance world more will be quickly added to this list!

Who are some of your ultimate romance auto-buy authors ? The ones you must get your hands on new releases or will read anything they write?


Romance Auto-Buy Authors

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