Sorry I’m Booked This Weekend

The past 3 weeks I was working long hours and basically every day. Because of this, I get some extra days off and have an extra long weekend. Besides the laundry, cleaning and shopping I have to do this weekend, I have a ton of reading I would like to do. I also have an event to go to today for Big Brothers Big Sisters, that should be fun!

My goals for this extended weekend are to complete 2 books and read at least 500 pages! I wanted to set an obtainable goal, but I am really hoping to exceed it! I’d also love to be able to get some instagram pictures taken and blog post planned! I also got a new book shelf that I need to put together and reorganize my books!

Now onto what I will be reading/hoping to read this weekend!

I’m currently 100 pages into Wrath of the Dragon King by Brandon Mull, which is book 2 in the Dragonwatch series, a spin-off series to Fablehaven! I am really loving it. I recently read the whole Fablehaven series and was so excited to get back into this world and continue on the adventures of Kendra and Seth.

I’ve also been listening to Say You’ll Remember Me by Katie McGarry. It will be great to listen to as I am cleaning my apartment and putting my bookshelf together! I am still at the beginning. So I do not have many thought on it yet, but I am interested to see where it goes. I was not very invested in her Pushing the Limits series. I only read book 1, but I adored her Thunder Road trilogy!

In February I started The Raven’s Tale by Cat Winters because I got an e-arc . It is one of my most anticipated reads of 2019 and I do not know why it is taking me so long to read. I think its because I struggle with ebooks. I’m about a third of the way through and the book comes out on April 16th! I adore Winters writing style and the paranormal elements that appear in her historical fiction stories. Also the fact that this book features Edgar Allan Poe and I am a huge fan of his!

If I am able to read all three of these books (and write reviews for them), I will start working on some other ARCs I have and recent April releases!

What are you reading this weekend? Have any other fun non-book plans?

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