2016 LGBTQIA Reading Challenge

I have been thinking a lot about my reading goals for 2016. I really want to diversify my reading, going along with the whole #readdiverse movement. I saw this challenge being hosted by Pretty Deadly Reviews and figured it was a great challenge to participate in! I have included the details below! I am not setting a goal of how many books I want to read I just want to read at least a few! If you decide to participate I would love to know so that maybe we can buddy read some books together! I have only read a few and own like 4 that are on my TBR pile so I would love recommendations as well!
♦ This challenge will run from January 1st, 2016 to December 31st, 2016.
♦ The book must contain an LGBTQIA main character.
♦ Books must be read and reviewed. The review can be any kind of review you want, traditional, a few sentences, a vlog review. Anything goes.
♦ Backlist books also count as part of this challenge.
♦ There are going to be different levels that correspond to the colors of the rainbow:
♣ Red = 5 books
♣ Orange = 6-12 books
♣ Yellow = 13-20 books
♣ Green = 21- 30 books
♣ Blue = 31- 40 books
♣ Purple = 41- 50 books
♦ The Giveaway will be for one LGBTQIA book. International is okay, but you MUST be signed up for the challenge. The giveaway will be held at the end of the year.
♦ To sign up, just leave the link to your blog or Goodreads in the linky on the original post on Pretty Deadly Blog !

#insixwords | Bout of Books 12 Challenge

I hope everyone has been reading lots! Today is the last day in Bout of Books and time to wrap up and finish all the books! To give you a break between all the reading here is a challenge for you to complete about the books you read this week ( or any books in general) This challenge can […]

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