I have been in a weird reading mood lately. But I am hoping that October will help me! I love October and Halloween and everything else surrounding this time of year. This TBR list might seem again outrageous and insane, but I want to show all my options. These are the majority of my horror/spooky/october appropriate reads. I don’t want to be contained to a set list, but definitely want to theme read this month! The only problem that might arise is as well as being a book addict I love movies! And October is the best month for movies! I love slashers and horror and everything Halloween themed! I will have to juggle my time between reading and movies plus my job this month so it will be a busy one! I will also say sorry for the bad quality of the picture, it was really hard to get them all in the picture and my cat decided she wanted in it too!
No Place Like Home by Mary Higgins Clark
[If you don’t know I LOVE Mary Higgins Clark! She is absolutely amazing with mystery,thrillers and suspense! This book is about a young girl who is being compared to Lizze Borden, do I need to say more!]
The Ocean at the End of the Lane by Neil Gaiman
[I have heard so many great things about this book and it will be my first Gaiman read]
The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin
[ I have heard nothing but great things about this psychological thriller. I also have the second book and the third and final comes out in November so this might be a binge series read!]
Project Cain by Geoffrey Girard
[ This was recommended to me. It is about a boy who was cloned from Jeffery Dahmer’s DNA!]
Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn
[ I read Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn last month and absolutely loved it! I have heard from some that this book is just as dark and even better!]
172 Hours on the Moon by Johan Harstad
[ I have been wanting to read this for some time and have been saving it for this month! Everyone says it is extremely creepy and its just what I need]
Asylum by Madeleine Roux
[ This seems like it will be a creepy read. The sequel just came out and I am excited to see how and where these books go!]
The Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan
[I have but this aside for some time. It looks so intriguing and makes me think a little of the movie The Village. I hope I like it and it provides to be a good October read]
The Ritual by Adam Nevill
[ I dont remember when I got this but I figured it would be good to throw in an adult horror book as well. Four men lost in the woods, what more do I need to say]
♠ Come Little Children by D. Melhoff
[ When I first saw this book title I instantly thought of Hocus Pocus (The song that Sarah sing to the children) It is about a serial killer, children deaths and a girl who works in a morgue.]
♠ Dark Lover by J.R. Ward
[ So this has made multiple apperances on my TBR list and I am determined to read it this month. It is about vampires and romance to switch it up in a mix or horror books!]
Lailah by Nikki Kelly
[ This is a vampire YA that is coming out this month and that I received as an ARC. I would really like to get to it and have heard some great things about it so far!]
Sweet Evil by Wendy Higgins
[ I thought it would be good to add in something paranormal to break up all of the horror books I am hoping to read. This is a romance about demons and angels]
Anna Dressed in Blood by Kendare Blake
[ Who doesn’t like a ghost story! I have heard this has a supernatural-esque feel and excited to read it and possibly the sequel this month]
What are you planning on reading this month? Do you have any awesome recommendations for October?

July 2014 TBR

I actually was able to stick to some of my TBR List from last month. I of course did not get to all the books, but I read 3/7 (plus started the 4th one) I say that is a vast improvement! I wasn’t going to make a list for July since I am now done with work, will […]

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Creating a TBR List

I have been working on coming up with a TBR List for June and it is proving to be very difficult! There are so many books I want to read. I know I am horrible at following my list I create anyways, but I like to have it so that when I struggle to pick a book to […]

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