Top Ten Tuesday | 2015 Bookish Bucket List

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This weeks Top Ten Tuesday topic hosted by Broke and Bookish is Top Ten Bookish Goal/Resolutions For 2015. I decided to structure this much like my Bookish Bucket list for 2014. This year it is going to be a lot harder for me to actually complete the goals since I will be with very limited internet access for 10 months out of this year. I will also be away from home so I will only have my books on my kindle and if I am able to check out books from the library. 
♠ Read at least 45 books. Although I did read over 100 books this year, I have an extremely busy schedule this next year and don’t know if I will have much free time. I also don’t want to pressure myself. So if I exceed this amount then that will be great. 
♠ Complete Anna Karenina. This was on my bucket list for last year and I did not accomplish it. I started it a few years ago and got half way through it and decided at the end of this year that I need to start from the beginning. It was suggested to me to try listening to it on audiobook, but I am determined to finish it.
♠ Keep up with reviews. I know that I said I wont have much internet access and with that comes a unfortunate hiatus from my blog. I will have some prescheduled post (hopefully), but I want to make sure whenever I get the chance I update the blog and keep the reviews written out so when I get the to use the internet it will be all ready.
♠ Read more classics. There are so many I own and I am interested in, but always choose other books over them.
♠ Keep my book purchasing to sequels. I do not think this will be much of a problem since I will be away from home and not have a place to put purchased books.
♠ Finish the Harry Potter series. I know I am one of the only people left in the world who hasn’t read these books. I did start them this year and have read through book four.
♠ Catch up on review book. I feel horrible that I have been offered the opportunity by some authors to read and review their books and haven’t gotten around to some of them. This is one of my top priorities.
♠ Figure out a new set-up/blog posts/features. I really want to work harder on developing my blog. I have done a lot of work since I first started this blog and I really want something that depicts my personality and is unique.
♠ Read at least three daunting books. I feel like I am always so intrigued and interested in the huge books, but never get around to reading them because they are intimidating. (I am counting this as over 550 pages.
♠ Read up all/or a majority of the works by one author. I feel like I read books by so many authors, but I rarely read more than one (even if I own them) because I have such a wide taste that I dabble in everything. Although thats great I would love to be more aquatinted with several authors and their works.

What are some of your 2015 goals/resolutions?