Top Ten Tuesday| Top Characters You Wish Would Get Their OWN Book

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This weeks Top Ten Tuesday topic hosted by Broke and Bookish is Top Ten Characters You Wish Would Get Their OWN Book. I love this topic! I am a big secondary character fan. I feel like sometimes the secondary characters can really make or break a book/series. Although I love secondary characters this was very difficult to create a list of characters I would want a completely new story all about them. You might see a trend with a majority of these being male characters I am in love with!
Draco Malfoy from Harry Potter Series.
Although he is the villain and many people do not like him, I am a huge fan of Malfoy. I think it would be interesting for him to have his own book because he plays a huge role and I do not believe we see enough of him. It would be so interesting to get some story from his perspective
Wolf from Scarlet by Marissa Meyer.
Wolf is definitely one of my book boyfriends. I am in love with him and think his story is so unique. Although there is a novella with his background and what is going on in the Queen’s Army, I just wanted more. The novella was not long enough and didn’t give me enough of Wolf or the rest of the army and how it works!
Kenji from Shatter Me Series.
This series has so many characters and in the novellas we get to see more from both Adam and Warner. As much as I love Warner and want more from him I think it would be really fun to get a book about Kenji! He is so funny as well as has a big part in creating and helping build Omega Point. Plus he has a super awesome power!
Founder’s of Hogwarts from Harry Potter Series.
I got this idea from Autumn @Kitty Cat Reads. I think it would be interesting to get a book from one of the founders. They are mentioned a lot throughout the series and it would be so interesting to learn more.
Mad Hatter from Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll.
I love everything Alice in Wonderland! I think it would be interesting to get more story from any of the characters especially the Cheshire Cat! The Mad Hatter is one of my favorites and I love all his silly antics. It would be so fun to have more story!
♠ “Nothing” from Half A King by Joe Abercrombie
I thought “Nothing’s” story line was really interesting. He has mystery surrounding his past and some shocking twists in the story. There are unanswered questions about his past that would make for an interesting story and book.
Roth from the Dark Elements Series by Jennifer L. Armentrout.
This should come as no surprise. I am in love with Roth and need more of him. I mean come on he is the Crown Prince of Hell. He is sassy and quite the badass that I need  completely separate book about him, Bambi, Thumper and the kittens!
Effie Trinket from the Hunger Games Trilogy.
Really I think it would be cool to have a book from anyone of the victors or people from the capitol to see a different side of the story and world. The whole lifestyle of the Capitol is so intriguing and I am sure it would make a great story. Effie is also a dynamic character that goes through a big personal growth and change.
Natalie Prior from Divergent Trilogy by Veronica Roth.
At the end of this series Natalie played a huge role that I do not believed was addressed enough and created many questions. I think it would be interesting to see a prequel type book from Natalie (Tris’s mom) perspective and how she got involved with everything and the role in played throughout the trilogy.
He Who Must Not Be Named from Harry Potter Series.
I know what you are thinking. God dammit Ashley another one from the Harry Potter Series. I just think there are so many characters throughout the series that bring so much to the story and would make for awesome books from their perspective. I could have probably made this whole list about characters from this series, but I chose Voldemort because he is the villain and I have a thing with villains and bad boys, what can I say!
Honorable Mention
Dimitri Belikov from the Vampire Academy Series by Richelle Mead.
I think he is such an intriguing character (and I am in love with him)! Especially when he becomes the villain for awhile!
What are some characters you need more from and would love to see have their own book?

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  1. I agree with the 3 Harry Potters (Draco, Voldemort, and the Founder’s). That would be so cool to get inside Draco and Voldemort’s heads and see what happened first hand (out of a book sadly… not in real life) how Hogwarts was founded! I would love to see the rest too! Especially Effie and Dimitri. Nice list!
    Laura @BlueEyeBooks

  2. A book from Voldemort’s POV is a fascinating idea. Also the Hogwarts founders, very interesting. I’m partial to the Marauders myself :). I hadn’t thought of Natalie Prior, but she was a character that had a lot going on.

    1. There were so many from the Harry Potter series that I wanted to include on this list such as the Marauders and ghosts. There are so many characters who have so many stories in those books that I would love to see!

  3. We have a few the same this week! 🙂 I think loads of the characters in Harry Potter deserve a story of their own. It would be so interesting to read it from Voldemort’s point of view.

  4. I haven’t read Allegiant yet but I remember being so shocked when we find out what faction Natalie was originally from, and how that impacted Tris. Great choice! I also agree with you about Draco- it would be fascinating to really see what he went through, especially in books 5-7 when Voldemort was basically using his home as a command center. Just imagine, Voldemort LIVING with you…
    My TTT

  5. I think I’m a toss-up of the Founders and the Marauders for Harry Potter spinoffs. The Founders won out, though, because that past with Helena Ravenclaw and the Bloody Baron…yikes. Totally would love to read that.

  6. Based on all the TTT lists I’ve seen today, more Harry Potter stories seems to be the winner! I hadn’t thought about Draco, but I’d love to read more about him. I don’t really think of him as a villain though – after all, he did get a redemption story! Nice list. 🙂

  7. I think almost all Harry Potter characters should have their own book, especially Draco!
    I also would love to read a book about Emma and Abe from Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children.

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