Things I Loved In March

Things I Loved In March

Sometimes I haven’t read enough books or have enough bookish content to share here on my blog. But one of my favorite things about individuals I follow on social media is when they share other things that they enjoy or love that isn’t their main niche! Here are some of the things I loved in March, my favorite things that I discovered, got or was just obsessed with in the month.

Things I Loved In March

Craftedvan Greeting Cards

This month marks one year since the pandemic really made waves in the US. It has been a year since I have had to start working from home. It has not been an easy year and much like many others I have been struggling with working from home, being isolated from other humans and the changes to my daily routine. But is small things like this punny greeting cards that make me smile and add some humor to the craziness that this year has been.

You too can fall in love with these adorable bookmarks from @craftedvan with my 20% off discount code ILOVEBOOKMARKS5 !

Dickinson (TV Show)

Why did I not start this TV show sooner! I am absolutely obsessed. It is based on the life of Emily Dickinson, so it is historical and also has some modern touches! It is making me want to start reading poetry and it is so funny. It doesn’t hurt that Hailee Steinfeld isn’t bad to look at.

Book Shelf

So I know, a new book shelf, no surprise. But I am so excited that I got a new one to go in my living room. I am able to showcase my older editions of Edgar Allen Poe as well as other older edition books. It is a decor book shelf that make me feel like an adult!

New House Plant

As shown in previously, I got a new book shelf and so that meant I needed a new plant to display on it! I am no where close to having a green thumb, but it is so cute and I am so excited to be a crazy house plant mom!

Cute Travel Cat Humidifier

My bestie got this and sent me a picture and I knew I needed it! It is absolutely adorable and can go with me anywhere around the house. Living in the Midwest the winters are long and cause my house to be dry which makes my skin dry and itchy. This little guy is absolutely adorable and just perfect!

What are some of your favorites or thing you loved in March?


Twitter: @downthebookhole
Instagram: @downthebookhole
Pintrest: fallingdowntheb
Tumblr: Falling Down The Rabbit Hole 


  1. LOVE Dickinson!!! I am so glad they are already working on Season 3, because I need more. And your new house plant is so cute. I have a similar one, but double the height by now. I always have to be careful not to knock it over haha

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