Top Ten Tuesday| Book Bloggers

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This weeks Top Ten Tuesday topic hosted by Broke and Bookishย is Top Ten Blogger Confessions, but I was unable to think of enough so I decided to alter it a little and share some love to some of my fellow book bloggers! This is going to be in no specific order and I also think I might start a biweekly feature on my blog about blogger shootouts because this was really hard to narrow the list down to just 10 and there are so many book bloggers I absolutely love and were not on this list so don’t worry I will share all the love with all of you very soon!

โ™  Annette @ Booknerderie. Let me just start by saying that she is absolutely awesome! She was probably one of my first bloggy friends and always has nice/ or informational things to say on my posts! Annette reads a LOT of books and there is always a wide range of genres included on her blog and reviews! She has definitely been one to make me add countless books to my TBR list. She loves books and has a cat, need I say more ๐Ÿ™‚

โ™  Hayley @ Books Are Delicious. I feel like she was another one of my first blog friends. She always comments on my posts and has great things to say. Hayley not only blogs about books, but she is also a writer, does NaNoWriMo and reviews tv shows/movies and many other things! She always has a variety of different posts and even has some very informative ones on tips for creating a wider audience for blogging and writing etc. I have personal dubbed her as my go to person for when I do NaNoWriMo in November and I hope she doesn’t mind ๐Ÿ™‚

โ™  Little Onion Writes. I always seem to be smiling after reading these posts! There is so much personality that show through and a wide variety of topics that never leave this blog dull! So many books, quotes, music! Its great ๐Ÿ™‚

โ™  Krystal @ Books Are My Thing. How could I not add Krystal’s blog to this list. She was promoting my blog like crazy to get her hands on a book I was holding a giveaway for and we are doing a buddy read this month together! She writes great reviews and also always seems to have a variety of genres on her blog! I can also track many of my either recent purchases of books or books added to my TBR list to her!

โ™  Emily @ Books & Cleverness. I always find myself scrolling through her blog looking at the pure awesomeness that is her set up/organization/overall whole look. It is just so pretty! I love her Week in Review feature, it always has such cool information in it and she alway does some awesome reviews of so many books I want to get my hands on! She is hosting a read-a-thon in August that everyone should join/participate in with me! Also loves cats, so if it wasn’t already obvious her blog is great!

โ™  Autumn @ Kitty Cat Reads. I should start this by saying I am a little biased and not only love this blog because it is beautiful, but because it is also my best friend! She is just starting out, but she has a wonderful way with words (even though she doesn’t really think so) and makes me so jealous. It started out with her asking me for help getting started, but now I feel like I always go to her and ask what I should do/say etc. This is one to watch out for ๐Ÿ™‚

โ™  Nichole @ Y.A. Reads. This blog offers so much to all book lovers. There are reviews, guest post (which features one from me! So make sure to check it out! ), giveaways, author interviews and blog tours! There is always so much to look at and some awesome posts!

โ™  The Broke and Bookish. This should be a given right? I absolutely love there Top Ten Tuesday feature and always leads me to other great blogs and makes me think a lot when trying to create my top ten posts. They don’t just do TTT though. They always have creative posts like what books would you buy with your last $20. If you haven’t already checked out this blog you should do it as soon as you are done reading my post!

โ™  ย Sasha @ Abookutopia. As well as a blog Sasha also has a youtube channel (booktube!) She has such personality and passion for books. She is funny and silly and just really brings life to whats great about reading! It definitely shows through in her videos and posts. If you haven’t checked out booktube videos (they will be the death of your wallet) you should watch some! They are all so great!

โ™  ย Kassidy @ Traveling Through the Pages. Kassidy as well has a youtube channel that you should check out! I love her reviews! She always puts so much thought into them. I also love the set up of bloglikes! But she is awesome, adorable and does great posts as well as videos!


Who are some of your favorite book bloggers? I am always looking for new blog friends and new blogs to follow!ย 


    1. Its been something I have been trying to do for awhile so I am happy I finally got around to it! You should so totally check them all out because they are beyond awesome! And thanks I have been working really hard to revamp and update my blog!

  1. I love several of the blogs on this list, especially Annette and Hayley and Emily and okay, most of them. Going to check out the couple I hadn’t heard of now! I might have to do a list like this on my blog. ๐Ÿ™‚
    My TTT

  2. Awwwwwwwwwww {I would make this longer but that’s annoying} Day. Made. You’re such a great bloggy friend and I’m happy I could help your ever growing TBR list. *evil laugh* I’m equally as inspired by your blog, my friend.

  3. Going to have to check a few of these out, there are some I already follow but I like getting new recs for blogs, even though I follow TONS already ๐Ÿ™‚ Going to do a Share the Bloggy Love feature over on CBG soon too. Great idea!

    My TTT

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