Top Ten Tuesday| Top Books On My Fall TBR

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This weeks Top Ten Tuesday topic hosted by Broke and Bookish is The Top Ten Books On My Fall TBR! There are so many books I have been putting aside and waiting to read. I have been in a weird reading mood, but these books are the ones I really want to get to this fall. I feel like there are quite a few books that have appeared on my TBRs but have been put off for long enough. Some of these were even on my Top Ten Books on my Summer TBR.

♠ Harry Potter Series. This is at the top of my TBR list. This appeared on my summer TBR list and I have gotten to the third book. I am ashamed I have never read these before, but I have gotten my mom to listen to the audiobooks, which is very exciting as well!

Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas. I really have been wanting to read more fantasy and this series has been buzzing around the book blogging community. The third book just came out and I would love to catch up.

Bloodlines by Richelle Mead. I read the Vampire Academy series earlier this year and really want to get back into the world. Although I rather binge read the series I would at least like to read the first book.

Lailah by Nikki Kelly. I won an arc of this from twitter and have really been in the mood for some more paranormal. I have also heard this has some great swoon worthy guys in it!

Dark Lover by J. R. Ward. I have heard so many great things about this series. Since it is fall I need more paranormal in my life and what better way than some paranormal romance about vampires!

♠ Final Empire by Brandon Sanderson. I have heard so much about the whole trilogy and Brandon Sanderson that I really want to get at least the first book in this series read.

 Obsidian by Jennifer L. Armentrout. She is quickly becoming one of my favorite authors and I want to start the Lux series really bad. I have had a new found interest in aliens and whats better than hot aliens!

Landline by Rainbow Rowell. I also received this book from a giveaway and need to read a Rainbow Rowell book. Everyone is obsessed with her and I would like to jump on this bandwagon.

The Dream Thieves by Maggie Stiefvater.  I need the raven boys back in my life! I cant wait to get back into the world of the raven boys and I need to get this read before the next book comes out!

Born at Midnight by C.C. Hunter.  I have been in the mood to binge read a series. This is a paranormal series that all the books are out and it is about a paranormal camp.

What are some books you plan/ want to read this fall? 


  1. The Throne of Glass series is great! You’ll love it! Same with Harry Potter, though I’m sure you have heard that a million times. I need to read The Raven Boys this fall, in fact it made my TTT list. That series seems like the perfect fall read.

  2. Throne of Glass is one I haven’t gotten around to yet either, and it seems like sometimes I’m the last person in the world who hasn’t! I’m hoping for it to be my next read! I love the Lux series, but I actually haven’t read anything else by JLA besides that. What have you read by her and would recommend?

    My TTT

  3. Such a great list! Throne of Glass and Dark Lover <3, I just loved them both! Lailah is on my TTT list but the rest aren't, I have them all on my TBR list though. I was hoping to read Obsidian this month but that didn't happen. Happy reading!

    My TTT

  4. aaa I’ve been wanting to read Obsidian too but I haven’t had a chance to read the book. I heard lots of good things about the book. I’m making a list in my blog too so feel free to visit and read my TBR 🙂

  5. YES to Landline! I hope you enjoy it. One of my favorites. I also want to read Dark Lover. It’s the book on my TBR the longest and I have so many friends who love the series.

    I want to read Throne of Glass but I think wait until the entire series is out. I hate cliffhangers.

    Great list!

  6. I just ordered Throne of Glass! I’ve been hearing so many great things about it, I’m pretty excited. I’m with you on Harry Potter though, I haven’t read it either, and it’s definitely on my list. I thought I was the only one! LOL. Obsidian is great, JLA is basically an author goddess!

    Kristen @OCA

  7. YES, you MUST read the Harry Potter books. I read them all as they came out — I’m way overdue for a re-read. The audio version is really fun, too. Mistborn is a great series as well. The books are very long and detailed, but that’s a good thing. Sanderson is a master!

  8. I am completely jealous because I love Harry Potter, The Black Dagger Brotherhood series (Dark Lover), and the Born at Midnight series! It is amazing to discover awesome reads for the first time and I wish I could go back and experience all of those for the first time again. I hope you enjoy everything on your list.
    Happy reading

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