Trees of Reverie Read-A-Thon |TBR



So I don’t have a real official TBR for this read-a-thon, but I do have a few books in which I would like to read soon so I figured they would probably be picked up anyways and than everyone will have an idea of my reading plans for the next few weeks! I have also read 3 books out of 7 so far off of my June TBR list which is the best I have done so far so a lot of the books will also be from that list so I can try to complete the whole thing!


1. Red Seas Under Red Skies by Scott Lynch. I am currently reading this, but have a feeling I might not get all the way through it before the read-a-thon starts.

2. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by J.K.Rowling. I am participating in the #SummerofSpells Harry Potter Readalong being hosted by a few book tubers and all over twitter! It is my first time reading the series and I just finished the first books so I want to continue on with it!

3. One Relam Beyond by Donita K. Paul. I received this for review from BookLook Bloggers a long time ago and really need to get around to reading it.

4. Charm & Strange by Stephanie Kuehn. I am not really sure what this is about and it was a total cover buy, but it is kind of short so I figured it would be a good book to read between other bigger ones.

5. Adaptation by Malinda Lo. This is a book that was recommended to me and I also included in on my June TBR list so I really want to be able to get to it during this read-a-thon.

6. The End of You and Me by Wendi M. Lee. I was contacted by the author to review the book. It is a Young Adult book and that is really all I know about it, its short so I didn’t want to read too much into it.

I obviously/probably won’t get to all of them or will change up the list a little. I am going to try really hard to stick to it. But you should join in on the read-a-thon! Visit Here to become an official participant!

What are you currently reading/planning on reading in the next few weeks? 


  1. Mainly, I want to focus on reading my library books, but I just keep buying more and more books! Must… stop…

    I look forward to (hopefully) seeing your reviews for your read-a-thon picks!

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