Trees Of Reverie Read-A-Thon | Wrap-Up


Overall I did okay I guess. I tried to read as much as possible, but I was working a lot and life seemed to get in the way (like it does when I am trying to participate in a read-a-thon). I also kind of got too busy to post my updates, so this will just be the overall totals of the two weeks and such. To see my goals, TBR and other updates the links will be below. 


Goals/ Announcements

Update #1

Update #2 


♠Total Page Count:  660 pages

Books Completed:

The End of You and Me by Wendi M. Lee

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by J.K. Rowling


Challenges Completed: 

Read a book by an author you haven’t read before
a book in a series you’ve not yet completed
read outside
a book in the Fantasy genre
a book review for one of the books you read


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