Weekend Down The Book Hole |Blogmas 2019

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Work and life have been keeping me so busy that trying to sneak reading into my hectic schedule is a struggle some times. Especially lately, I get home and I am just too tired to do anything. Every time I pick up a book I fall asleep after like 3 pages.

I’ve fallen a extremely behind on my reading of Windwitch by Susan Dennard, for the Witchlands Series Buddy Read I am participating in. I was suppose to be starting Sightwitch by Susan Dennard on Monday in order to be following the page plan. I am hoping that I can finish both this weekend, and hopefully will have more reading time next week! So far I am really enjoying this world and the characters. I cannot believe I have waited so long to start the series. I’m intrigued to see where the story goes and the fate of the characters. I am definitely a huge “Bae-duan” (thanks to Paige @paigesquared for the name!)

I’ve been flying through the Ice Planet Barbarian series by Ruby Dixon. I have only one full book and a novella to read that are out in this series ! So I am hoping to get around to Barbarian’s Seduction by Ruby Dixon very soon.

I also just started We Set The Dark On Fire by Tehlor Kay Mejia on audiobook. It sound super interesting and has a LGBTQ relationship that I am excited for!

Do you have any fun reading plans this weekend? Any books you are wanting to get in before the end of the year?

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Email: fallingdownthebookhole@gmail.com


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