
Trees Of Reverie Read-A-Thon|Update #1

DAY 1 [6/16]:

♠ READ: 

The End of You and Me by Wendi M. Lee

PAGE COUNT: 45 pages

 Comments: I worked all day and then was really tired so I didn’t get as much read as I hoped for and I also kept jumping back and forth between books making it even more difficult on myself.


DAY 2 [6/17]:


The End of You and Me by Wendi M. Lee

PAGE COUNT: 72 pages

Comments: I worked on updating and revamping my blog a lot today so that didn’t leave much time for reading. I did read a couple pages in Red Seas Under Red Skies by Scott Lynch, but ended up falling asleep.


 DAY 3 [6/18]:


Red Seas Under Red Skies by Scott Lynch

PAGE COUNT: 26 pages

Comments: I have just been failing at reading and my parents stopped to see me…excuses, excuses.


DAY 4 [6/19]:


Nothing 🙁

PAGE COUNT: 0 pages

Comments: I didn’t actually get around to reading anything, but I did plan out some fun bookish things for the month of July with my best friend over at Kitty Cat Reads, so look out for an announcement of what we have planned for next month! (we are both really excited about it !)


♣ TOTAL PAGE COUNT:  143 pages


The End of You And Me by Wendi M. Lee 




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